Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Florida and the Future of Gay Adoption Essay -- Homosexual Children Pa

Florida and the Future of Gay Adoption The line between public and private is quickly diminishing, if there ever was a line to start. Private ideologies (social and moral/ethical attitudes) have been made public by what legislation does (not) relegate, and then protects the right to privacy for the individuals who abide by these private ideologies. The intrinsic protection of adherents to a dominant ideology forces those with deviant ideology to actively make their private concerns public in order to be granted their "right to privacy." However, even after this guarantee it is not possible for the private to leave the public sphere until the dominant ideology changes radically to incorporate these rights at the same intrinsic level of the original ideology- meaning the right to privacy has to be constantly reiterated until the societal backing makes it dominant. In the case of human and civil rights, legislation has the obligation to intercede on behalf of those disenfranchised by laws, regardless of the impact of or on s ocial attitudes. Once the issue of gay adoption entered the public sphere (i.e. when gay couples were first singled out by the state as ineligible), the only possible way to ensure that these individuals rights would be protected and that one day the rights of all homosexual individuals and couples to adopt would be guaranteed was for the issue to come before the Supreme Court. It is fortunate that the law was not overturned in a lower court, because the decision would not carry the weight of one handed down by the Supreme Court. Florida State Adoption Logo (7). Florida state law currently bans lesbians and gay men from adopting children, preferring rigorously gendered family construction, as is made p... in Challenge to Florida Gay Adoption Ban." American Civil Liberties Union website. 3)Lambda Legal website, "Background on Lambda Legal's Supreme Court Case Challenging Texas's "Homosexual Conduct" Law." 4)"Anita Bryant, b.1940, Singer and Crusader." , St. Petersburg Times Online. 5)"Lawrence & Garner v. State of Texas." , 6)ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project, "Let Him Stay" 7)My Florida Website, The State of Florida's Website 8)Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange, Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange Homepage 9)Lexis Nexis, "U.S. Appeals Court Narrowly Upholds Only Blanket Gay Adoption Ban." The Associated Press State & Local Wire. 10)Human Rights Campaign website, "What's Happening in My State?" Butler, Judith. "Imitation and Gender Insubordination." Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories. New York: Routledge, 1991. 13-31.

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