Friday, August 23, 2019

Answer the questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer the questions - Case Study Example Furthermore, it is out of his determination that he started the Element Bar, as an alternative producer of all-natural and organic bars. Third, Miller is a risk taker. As a strength, this ability grants him the opportunity to position himself in line with new business ideas in a highly competitive market and goes ahead to invest in them, with the hope of obtaining a substantial market growth. The strength of Element Bars lies in the differentiation of products done in the production of all-natural organic energy bars, as opposed to the competitor firms such as Bear Naked Granola, You Bar, and Humm Foods. On the other hand, Miller portrays weakness points in relation to his negotiation skills. He is a poor negotiator, as evidenced in his inability to convince the bank and other sources of financing to loan him capital to expand on the business. Subsequently, he panics when faced with the interviews with the Shark Tank investors, and spends a lot of time preparing, with mock interviews being organized by his family. Element Bars is also weakened by not having a strong capital base; hence, not viable for loan options from a bank or other financial institutions to enable it expand its business capacity. Additionally, has not been in the market for a long time, and lacks the capability to withstand the competitive pressure that comes from established firms within the industry (Gasparski, Ryan & Kwiatkowski, 2010). Element Bars has a great potential in the market of all-natural organic bars given that nearly all its competitor firms are not entirely differentiated into this form of bars. Furthermore, the firm has a potential market in diabetic and healthy conscious consumers who would always choose their products over those from other companies. The company has a huge potential of expanding in growth should it obtain the right amount of capital investment into increased production of the

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