Saturday, August 31, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 7
The next evening I gazed contented at the sun setting over the harbor. Miss Molly hadnt exaggerated: The girls at her house were hospitable. For breakfast Id had one with long, corn-silk hair and bleary blue eyes. I could still taste her wine-laced blood on my lips. Damon and I had spent the day wandering the city, taking in the wrought-iron balconies in the French Quarter–and the girls who waved to us from their perches there–the fine tailor shops with bolts of sumptuous silk in the windows, and the heady cigar shops where men with round bellies struck business deals. But of all the sights, I liked the harbor best. This was the citys lifeblood, where tall ships carrying produce and exotic wares entered and exited. Cut off the harbor, you cut off the city, making it as vulnerable and helpless as Miss Mollys girl had been that morning. Damon gazed out at the boats as well, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. His lapis lazuli ring glinted in the fading sunlight. â€Å"I almost saved her.†â€Å"Who?†I asked, turning sharply, hope swelling in my chest. â€Å"Did you sneak off and feed from someone?†My brother kept his eyes on the horizon. â€Å"No, of course not. I meant Katherine.†Of course. I sighed. If anything, last night had made Damon more malcontent than ever. While Id enjoyed the company and the sweet blood of a girl whose name I would never know, Damon had retired to a room of his own, treating the establishment as if it were simply the boardinghouse it pretended to be. â€Å"You should have drunk,†I said for the hundredth time that day. â€Å"You should have taken your pick.†â€Å"Dont you understand, Stefan?†Damon asked flatly. â€Å"I dont want my pick. I want what I had–a world I understood, not one I can control.†â€Å"But why?†I asked, at a loss. The wind shifted, and the scent of iron, mixed with tobacco, talcum powder, and cotton, invaded my nostrils. â€Å"Feeding time already?†Damon asked wryly. â€Å"Havent you done enough damage?†â€Å"Who cares about one whore in a filthy brothel!†I yelled in frustration. I gestured out to the sea. â€Å"The world is filled with humans, and as soon as one dies, another appears. What does it matter if I relieve one wretched soul of its misery?†â€Å"Youre being careless, you know,†Damon grunted. His tongue darted out of his mouth to lick his dry, cracked lips. â€Å"To feed whenever you feel like it. Katherine never did that.†â€Å"Yes, well, Katherine died, didnt she?†I said, my voice much harsher than I meant it to be. â€Å"Shed have hated who youve become,†Damon said, sliding off the fence and standing next to me. The scent of iron was more pervasive now, curling around me like an embrace. â€Å"No, she would have hatedyou,†I retorted. â€Å"So scared of who you are, unable to go after what you want, wasting your Power.†I expected Damon to argue, to strike me even. But instead he shook his head, the tips of his retracted canines just visible between his partially open lips. â€Å"I hate myself. I wouldnt expect any different from her,†he said simply. I shook my head in disappointment. â€Å"What happened to you? You used to be so full of life, so ready for adventure. This is the best thing that has ever happened to us. Its a gift–one thatKatherinegave to you.†Across the street, an old man hobbled past, and then a moment later, a child on an errand rushed by in the opposite direction. â€Å"Pick one and feed! Pick something, anything. Anything is better than just sitting here, letting the world go by.†With that I stood, following the iron and tobacco scent, feeling my fangs pulse with the promise of a new meal. I grabbed Damon, who lagged a few paces behind me, until we found ourselves on a slanted lane out of range of the gaslights. What little light there was gathered onto a single point: a white-uniformed nurse, leaning against a brick building, smoking a cigarette. The woman looked up, her startled expression turning into a slow smile as she took in Damon. Typical. Even as a blood-starved vampire, Damon, with his shock of dark hair, long lashes, and broad shoulders, caused women to look twice. â€Å"Want a smoke?†she asked, blowing smoke into concentric circles that blended with the mist in the air. â€Å"No,†Damon said hastily. â€Å"Come on, brother.†I ignored him, stepping toward her. Her uniform was spattered with blood. I couldnt stop staring at it and the way the rich red contrasted to the stark white. No matter how often I had seen it since changing, blood continued to awe me with its beauty. â€Å"Having a bad night?†I asked, leaning next to her against the building. Damon grabbed my arm and started to pull me toward the lights of the hospital. â€Å"Brother, lets go.†Tension coiled in my body. â€Å"No!†It took a swat of my arm to toss him against the wall. The nurse dropped her cigarette. The ash sparked, then extinguished. I felt the bulge of my fangs behind my lips. It was just a matter of time now. Damon struggled to his feet, crouching low as if I was going to strike him again. â€Å"I wont watch this,†he said. â€Å"If you do this, I will never forgive you.†â€Å"I have to get back to my shift,†the nurse muttered, taking a step away from me, as if to run. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. She let out one short yelp before I covered her mouth with my hand. â€Å"No need to worry about that anymore,†I hissed, sinking my teeth into her neck. The liquid tasted like rotting leaves and antiseptic, as if the death and decay of the hospital had invaded her body. I spit the still warm liquid into the gutter and threw the nurse to the ground. Her face was twisted in a grimace of fear. Stupid girl. She should have sensed the danger and run while she still could. It hadnt even been a hunt. Worthless. She groaned, and I wrapped my fingers against her throat and squeezed until I heard the satisfying crack of bone breaking. Her head hung at an unnatural angle, blood still dripping from the wound. She wasnt making any noise now. I turned toward Damon, who stared at me, a horrified expression on his face. â€Å"Vampires kill. Its what we do, brother,†I said calmly, my gaze locking on Damons blue eyes. â€Å"Its whatyoudo,†he said, taking off the coat around his shoulders and throwing it over the nurse. â€Å"Not me. Never me.†Anger pulsed like a heart at the very core of my being. â€Å"Youre weak,†I growled. â€Å"Maybe so,†Damon said. â€Å"But Id rather be weak than a monster.†His voice grew strong. â€Å"I want no part in your killing spree. And if our paths ever cross again, I swear I will avenge all of your murders, brother.†Then he spun on his heel and ran at vampire speed down the alleyway, instantly disappearing into the swirling mist.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Coppola’s first feature film Essay
Similarly, the 1992 adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola has an equally complex representation of Dracula. Francis Ford Coppola was born in 1939 in Detroit, USA, but he grew up in a New York suburb in a creative, supportive Italian-American family. His father was a composer and musician, while his mother had been an actress. Francis Ford Coppola graduated with a degree in drama from Hofstra University, and did graduate work at UCLA in filmmaking. He was training as assistant with filmmaker Roger Corman, working in such capacities as soundman, dialogue director, associate producer and, eventually, director of Dementia 13 (1963), Coppola’s first feature film. In Francis Ford Coppola’s representation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, he chose to portray a typically evil creature as a complicated, ominous yet sensitive individual. In this interpretation, Dracula apparently has human emotions; he is feeling what humans feel. He tried to suck Jonathan Harker’s fianci e’s blood but is overcome by emotions and memories of his dead wife, and spares her for the time being. He also has human urges, both physically and mentally. But despite how humanlike Dracula may seem in this version of Dracula, he is still surrounded by the obvious evidence that point to the evil part of his person . He is dressed in red and black robes which connote blood and sinister-like things. But his polite voice is used as a withdrawal from his unnatural aura. He has weathered and very pale skin which emphasizes the connotations of blood, and ghostlike hair that match the colour of his skin. Also, his ability to take on any form facilitates the fact that he is a sinister character. Also, the mis-on-scene on various occasions make Dracula seem even more sinister than normal. The music alternates, the lighting is dim on a close up shot which creates a sense of concealment and makes the viewer use their imagination. Despite this, Dracula’s distressed emotional state might make the viewer sympathise with him. This interpretation of Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola would be suitable for an even more modern audience than Nosferatu and Hammer Horror’s version. The viewers of this film will respond to it with a variety of emotions. They might have been frightened of Dracula because of his ability to transform and take on any form which might spark a sense of paranoia within their minds and make them think that anyone around them could be Dracula himself. But they might also sympathise with Dracula because of his traumatic loss, and might feel a connection with him as they might know how he feels, loosing a loved one. They could view him as a strong-willed and self-controlling villain because it is unlikely for a vampire to resist the urge to bite into fresh skin, especially when it is offered to them on a plate just as Jonathan Harker’s wife was to Dracula. So why are those 3 representations of Bram Stoker’s Dracula so different? I think it’s due to the time when the movies were made. During the time when Nosferatu was made, the technology was terrible and nothing had been invented that could create a half-decent movie. But in Dracula (1952), technology had clearly developed which made it possible to create a movie including advanced special effects and costumes. Furthermore, in Francis Ford Coppola’s version in 1992, the technology had improved even more, making room for a movie that re-defines the quality and meaning of the movie: Dracula. Another reason why representations of Dracula changed overtime because people have come up with new ideas. I think this links in with the idea of what society are scared of, which is another reason why the representations of Dracula have changed overtime. This is because as society becomes scared of new things, then people have to come up with new ideas to satisfy the needs and wants of their audience. I think that Francis Ford Coppola’s representation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula is the most effective because he portrayed a typically evil being with characteristically no emotions, as a self-controlling and strong willed individual. He turned a villain that is most likely to be a hated icon amongst most people, to something that could draw the feeling of kindness and consideration from the viewers’ hearts, eradicating the fact that he is a blood-sucking villain that deserves to have a stake pushed through his seemingly heartless chest.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Post War Europe Essay
The World War II refers to the global conflict that took place between 1939 to 1945. Also referred to as the Second World War, the conflict involved many nations, especially the great powers. The conflict had two opposing military alliances, the Axis and the Allies (Hakim, p 8). This war has been considered as one of the most spread war in the world history since it involved the mobilization of more than 100 million military personnel. The Allies alliance during the war was made up of countries that opposed the Axis powers. The Big Three†or the three major nations that led the Allied Alliance were the United States of America, Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Other nations that were part of the Allied Alliance included China, France, Poland, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. The Axis Alliance opposed the Allies, and it was led by three major Axis powers. These powers were; Germany, Italy and Japan. These three countries in September 1940 had signed a Tripartite Pact upon which the Axis Alliance was founded. Other nations that were part of the Axis Alliance included; Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Some the Axis co- belligerents included; Finland, India, Vietnam, and Iraq. The state of total war as a result of this conflict had the major nations that were involved use their scientific, industrial, and economic capabilities in order to develop weapons or plan military strategies that would maximize their probability of winning the war (Russell, p 15). It is estimated that over 70 million people were killed, with the majority being civilians. This made the war one of the deadliest human conflict to ever occur. The war began in 1939, and was triggered by the Germany’s invasion of Poland. This later led to the France, United Kingdom, and the United States declaration of war on Germany. Some of the well known events that occurred during the Second World War include; the Operation Barbararossa, Pearl Harbour attack and the Marco Polo Bridge incident. The war ended in 1945 and had the United States and the Soviet Union turn out to be the superpowers. The World War II broke out in Europe after Hitler led the Axis Alliance by first invading Poland. There were several major effects of Second World II on Germany and Europe. In this paper, these effects will be discussed. Major effects of World War II in Germany Germany was one of the leading nations in the Axis Alliance against the Allies during the Second World War. Germany is considered to have developed some of the most sophisticated and most destructive weapons during the war. Together with the cost of military operations, Germany used a great amount of its finances to develop weapons for use during the war. The Nazi Germany which was led by Adolf Hitler invested great amounts of financial resources to cater for the costs of the war. In 1936, Adolph Hitler in his efforts to purchase war materials at low prices imposed price controls on the Germany people. Rationing later followed in 1939. Price controls that were put on food led to food shortages during the war. This led to the people growing their food and doing barter trade with their personal belongings for food. Compensation trade was born during the war; as a result of the wide spread barter trade. Due to the business to business transactions, many business firms hired a person who could barter a firms’ output. The barter trade was inefficient compared to the direct purchase of commodities and services using money. According to a Germany economist Walter Eucken self- sufficiency and barter trade were incompatible. Due to an extensive labor division, Germans’ economic system had been â€Å"reduced to a primitive condition†(Harlett 1978, p. 34). The Germany economy after the war was in shambles. In the housing sector, Adolph- Hitler scorched – earth policy together with the war had affected about 20 per cent of the housing. Germanys’ economic hardship had the food production per capita from 1938 to 1947 reduce by 51 per cent. In addition, the occupying powers had set the food ration between 1040 and 1550 calories per day. As compared to the industrial out put in 1938, Germanys’ out put in 1947 was only a third of the 1938 industrial output. Due to the death of a large number of working -age men during the war, Germany had inadequate labor. The economic hardship had triggered the Germany government to put in place measures that would rejuvenate the country’s’ economy. The government eliminated the price controls that were initially there, while the currency was reformed. This occurred in 1948. Later in 1948 and1949, there was reduction of the marginal tax rates. These measures saw the Germanys’ economy grow rapidly 20 years after the World War II. Germany’s economic problems can also be attributed to the World War I effects. Before the World War I, the German Empire had a prosperous economy. However,after the war,Germany’s economic prosperity was considered to have been ruined by treaties such as the 1919 Treaty of Versallies. The signing of the treaties by Germany together with the World War I effects led to great inflation in the early 1920s. Though Germany’s economy improved after the First World War, the economic problems that characterized this period to some extent came to affect Germany’s economy after the World War II. The first several years in Germany after the World War II were of great economic problems. This resulted from the destruction of property, land, and homes during the war (Klopstock, p 285). Furthermore, many Germans fled from their homes during the war, a situation that made working almost impossible. This reduced the economic productivity of the nation, whose negative effects after the war became evident. In addition to this, the industrial and agricultural production had drastically reduced in Germany. Many millions of people lacked food and clothing as the inflation raged in Germany. Food shortage had become severe and â€Å"each day, and particularly on weekends, vast hordes of people trekked out to the country to barter food from the farmers†(Wallich, p 65). Despite the economic problems that the Germans were experiencing, the political leaders were able to exploit the situation in order to build a very strong economy in future. The economic problems encouraged the German political leaders to focus on the future plans of reviving Germany’s economy. The leaders saw a new beginning in the ruined economy, where the economy was viewed as an instrument of prosperity. The need to have a prosperous economy would then assist the Germans to have a stable society, as well as to safeguard democracy. The leaders sought both the economic prosperity and social peace. A prosperous economy would also make sure that there was equal opportunity for all the German citizens so that eruption of a revolution would be prevented when bitter frustration of the underprivileged social groups was avoided. The reviving of the German economy and â€Å"economic system that had been reduced to a primitive condition†(Hazlett, p 34) due to the economic problems experienced as a result of the World War II became important. The economy was revived through the efforts of some Germans’ post war leaders such as Ludwig Erhard. The currency reforms that were introduced through the efforts of Erhard led to the abolition of the Reichmark and the Deutsche mark introduction. The installation of the new currency began in 1948 led to economic success. Furthermore, Erhard abolished the Nazi and the occupation regulations and rules. This was the beginning of a prosperous and free economy in Germany, which in turn established the foundation of a growing West Germany economy. Apart from the economic problems experienced in Germany, another major effect of the World War II(WWII) in Germany was the division of Germany into two (East and West Germany) for about 40 years. The division occurred in 1949 and ended on October 1990 to reunite the two sides. The three Allied Zones of Occupation were brought together to form West Germany. These three zones were those that were held by France, United Kingdom, and the United States. The two special territories in German’s two states were Berlin and the Saarland. Since the West was democratically organized, it considered itself to have exclusive mandate for all of Germany. The Yalta Conference that was held by the Soviet Union, United States, and the United Kingdom leaders aimed as paving the way forward for future arrangements with the Europe after the World War II. It was during the conference that the leaders decided to split Germany into four occupation Zones. These Zones included; the French Zone, American Zone, British Zone, and the Soviet Zone. West Germany was formed in 1949 and comprised of the Western Allied Zones. The Soviet Zones formed the East Germany, which was also referred to as the Germany Democratic Republic. The West Germany economy grew so rapidly due to the economic aid from the United States and also the Marshall Plan. But more importantly, the currency reforms that were introduced in West Germany strengthened the economy. Both the East and West Germany had mutual recognition of each other and the relation between the two was normalized by treaties such as the Treaty of Warsaw(1970),Basic Treaty(1972) and the Treaty of Moscow(1970). West Germany became cosmopolitan due to the western culture influences while East Germany was conservative. The East Germany adhered to the socialist ideologies, where there was less freedom as compared to West Germany. In addition, the West Germany government was more decentralized and East Germany had a government based on the Communist ideaologies. The reunification of the East and West Germany occurred on 3 October 1990 to form the Federal Republic of Germany, which is the current Germany. The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 to separate the two regions, but it was destroyed in 1989 after the reunification of East and West Germany. The third major effect of the World War II on Germany was the great advancement in technology. This resulted from German’s great technological ability to develop and use highly sophisticated and powerful weapons and industrial technology. Germany is considered to have developed and used some of the most powerful and sophisticated weapons during the World War II. For instance, Germany managed to develop powerful anti-aircraft weaponry, aircraft bombers, bombs, guns, rifles, and chemical weapons. The jet aircrafts which had been developed late during the war were advanced after the World War II. The Navy advancements during the World War II paved way for more technological development in the naval field. The German designs such as the Type VII submarine were used during the World War II, and the technology was later used after the war for greater advancement. For instance, after the division of Germany into West and East Germany, some of the German’s intellectual privileges that were of industrial advantage. The Allies who had control over West Germany confiscated Germans’ intellectual privileges and used them for their own companies. This led to rapid growth in industrialization due to the technology that had been developed by the Germans. Major Effects of World War II on Europe The World War II had so many countries involved, with the majority being from Europe. Examples of European countries that took part in the war included the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, and Poland. These countries and Europe as a continent experienced some major effects of the World War II. One major effect of the World War II on Europe was economic problems. The World War II had demanded that nations that were involved in the conflict invest their scientific, industrial, and economic capabilities. This required huge amounts of financial resources. Before the war, many European nations had very strong economic abilities. The nations’ economic and population advantage was very essential for success in the war. In addition, the European nations that had major industrial and financial developments included Germany, United Kingdom, and France. Industrial development that had spread across Europe before the war had contributed to great economic development in the European nations. The Industrial Revolution had led to rapid economic growth, which put the European nations at a good position to compete with the United States of America which was then an economic might. The World War II led to the destruction of Europe’s industrial centers and this affected negatively the high production of products or commodities that would be sold to increase economic growth in Europe (Tucker, p 771). The European infrastructure that was greatly destroyed made it hard for the citizens to undertake activities that would contribute to the economic growth. The European countries during the war had continued to increase their spending on developing and producing military weapons. There was construction of strategic road network by some European nations with the aim of increasing their probability of winning the war. The need for synthetic rubber and oil from coal to use during the war promoted great financial investments by the European nations. For instance, Britain’s’ economy was harnessed to the World War II efforts. The destruction of Europe’s infrastructure led to economic problems. The damage of the road and rail networks during the war made it very difficult for the European nations after to move the essential goods from one place to another. The economy was exhausted, a good example being Britain’s economy. For the European countries that were involved in the World War, their economies experienced severe inflation. Though rationing and luxury goods absence in Europe before the war had encouraged people to save, the people were unable to spend their savings since there were no commodities to purchase as would be preferred. The economic hardships in Europe made some European countries to borrow heavily from other nations with a strong economy such as the United States. The economic hiccups in Europe were later followed by economic recovery, where the currency reforms â€Å"quickly reestablished money as the preferred medium of exchange and monetary incentives as the prime mover of economic activity†(Heller, p 215). Another major effect of the World War II on Europe was environmental destruction. The World War II resulted to great environmental destruction. In many cases, any warfare or military conflict has very devastating effects on Europe’s natural environment. Improvements in technology during the war led to the invention of military weapons that were very destructive to the human life as well as the natural ecosystems. For example, the use of powerful and sophisticated bombs in the war destroyed animal and plant life. Furthermore, new chemical components that made up the weapons were released into the environment. This affected the soil fertility and composition, and this made it impossible for land to regain its fertility. The chemical components released from the explosives used in the war made it impossible for some arable land to be productive again. Many parts of Europe that acted as military grounds experienced great environmental degradation. The technological advancements during the World War II were incompatible with environmental preservation. War can never be compatible with the preservation and conservation of the natural environment. The environmental degradation that was occurring during the war was not a bother to the parties that were involved in the war. The military operations, destruction of natural vegetation to build communication lines and roads, and artillery shelling destroyed the environment. The new and effective ways military strategies that were used by the different nations’ forces to attack the enemies or defending themselves from the enemies increased environmental destruction. Long after the war ended, Europe’s natural environment has not yet recovered from the destruction it experienced during the war. In the era of technological advancement and industrialization, environmental issues seemed to cause very little concern in Europe, hence the effects of the war have proved that the war through technological advancement had become a great environmental threat. The increased use of chemical weapons resulted to long-lived negative effects on the environment. The waste disposal practices during and after the war in Europe resulted to â€Å"significant contamination of soils and ground water with high explosives†(Pennington et al, p 163). For example, the use of high explosives has made the recovery of the environment from destruction in Europe almost impossible. Consequently, the environment has become a health hazard to the people with the land mines that are still trapped in the soil/lands making some parts of the Europe land inhabitable. The areas were turned into waste land. Great technological advancements were another major effect of the World War II was witnessed in Europe. These changes that were witnessed were as a result of the nations that took part in the war struggle to invent and use better and powerful military weapons than their rivals. The technological development during and after the First World War promoted more advancements after the World War I . This is because, the improvements made after the World War II were an improvement on those that had earlier been invented. The inventions were considered as very critical when it came to winning the war, and this promoted technological inventions that were very instrumental to the economic development of many European nations after the war. The use of radio’s and electricity became possible due to the technological development witnessed during the wars. Research that had been intensively done by the Allies and the Axis with the aim of outdoing each other’s weapons became very important to more inventions after the war. The technological innovations of the war paved way for the naval technological development witnessed up to date. For instance, the introduction of aircraft receivers and radio communication systems during the war led to more development in naval industry long after the war. The technological advancement became a very vital requirement for survival during the war no doubt led to greater inventions after the war in Europe. Conclusion The World War II has been considered as one of the most devastating conflict to ever occur. This is due to the high number of people who were killed during the war. The various nations that were involved in the conflict invested greatly to the war efforts through finances and scientific inventions. Germany was one of the major players in the conflict and it proved to have great ability to develop and use powerful weapons against its enemies. The major effects of the war were both positive and negative. While some effects have been devastating to the people and the natural environment, others have brought about development in various fields of economic growth
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pornography - Essay Example On the other hand there are those liberal feminists who support the role of pornography in modern society. They believe that pornography is supposed to give rise to sexual liberation and allows women to openly show their sexual desires and wants in modern society by emphasizing the importance of sexually active women. These liberal feminists also affirm strongly that any type of censorship against the pornography would be prejudicial to the rights of women who have been traditionally discriminated against men. There are a wide range of definitions of pornography and many are disputed by these groups. However for the purpose of this essay the definition by Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary is taken as, â€Å"the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement†(Merriam-Webster, 2012). The above-mentioned definition is wider and encompasses various forms of erotic material, but it’s important to learn and discuss about the most prevalent and striking forms of pornography within the modern society, whether it be erotic literature, internet porn videos and pictures or any other media. While pornography offers both genders equal opportunities to express their sexual needs, the basic thinking about how men and women experience sex differently is totally brushed aside. Besides only a little or no attention is given to the influential and authoritative role played by men in large porn industries, which is against the equal rights for men and women rule. In the recent years there has been a great development in the size and scale of porn industry through internet websites, magazines, books, and newspapers. Pornographic material and erotic literature is gradually being accepted in various parts of the world and many cultures such as that of United Kingdom, European countries and that United States have accepted in as an integral part of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Quorum sensing in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium Essay
Quorum sensing in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium - Essay Example The influence of environmental factors on quorum sensing as seen by the influence of glucose metabolism on the production and degradation of the signal shows that through quorum sensing the cells communicate their growth phase as well as the metabolic potential of their environment. Strain AB 1157 of E. coli and strain LT2 of S. typhimurium grown in 0.5% glucose containing LB broth for the assay was removed from the medium and checked for activity that resulted in expression of luminescence in V. harveyi. 10% cell-free culture fluids from the two strains demonstrated maximal induction of luminescence in the V. Harveyi reporter strain BB170 which has the phenotype for quorum sensing, sensor 1-, sensor 2+ which induces luminescence exclusively through the signaling system 2 detector. The response was similar to that from V. harveyi BB152 culture fluid with E. Coli showing 106% and S. typhimurium showing 237% activity of the control activity. The signaling factor was not produced and the luminescence expression not induced when the bacterial strains were cultured in LB broth without added glucose and substitution of 10% LB medium containing glucose respectively. Candidates for signal including glucose, cAMP, amino acids, acetate, ÃŽ ±-ketogluterate, homoserine lac tone and other keto acids also produced no activity suggesting V. Harveyi BB170 respond to some signaling substance secreted by E. coli AB1157 and S. typhimurium LT2 grown on glucose containing LB medium. An analogous experiment performed with V. Harveyi reporter strain BB886 (sensor 1+ , sensor 2-) which is a wild type strain that do not act in response to signaling molecules that function through the signaling system 2 detector. Addition of E. coli AB1157 and S. typhimurium LT2 cell-free culture fluids showed only a respective 1% and 5% increase above control level (control used V. harveyi BB120 spent cultures which produces system 1 autoinducer).These results shows that E. coli AB1157 and
Homeland Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Homeland Security - Assignment Example It was upon this failure that calls for reorganizations were intensified, leading to the development of the establishment of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Act of 2006 (CRS, 2006a). As a result of this Act, FEMA became a more independent entity. The Act also provided a framework for the qualifications, roles, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of FEMA. This included having experience of not less than five years of management and executive leadership, experience in management of crises or a different relevant field. In addition, the director ought to have demonstrated the ability to manage a budget and substantial staff. However, unlike initially, the director was expected to report directly to the Secretary of the Homeland security without going through DHS officials. The Director of FEMA was also empowered to be the principal advisor to the president, the Homeland Security Secretary, and the Homeland Security Council on matters of preparedness and response (CRS, 2006b). The Skilled Trades Second Responders Act of 2007 was established to empower construction workers in disaster preparedness and responsiveness. It followed the findings of the Congress concerning the importance of such workers in the healing process after the occurrence of a disaster. According to McGuire, Lee, and Drummond, (2014), the Act was aimed at providing funds in the sum of $35 million for training, registering, certifying, and integrating construction workers into activities related to disaster preparedness and response. The process of enacting the Act was important as it allows for the management of disasters from ground zero. Construction workers have the expertise and tools necessary to assist the first responders to disaster situations in terms of carrying out demolitions, pipe and electrical maintenance, cleanup of hazardous waste and other functions that are important to the disaster recovery process (The Library of Congress, 2008).
Monday, August 26, 2019
Review the book named middlemarch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Review the book named middlemarch - Essay Example It constantly ran through Dorothea’s mind what the reaction of her husband would be if she did not accept his request (Eliot 678). According to Dorothea, a wife should be there to fulfill the wishes of her husband. Even though, her husband seemed to be selfish, Dorothea considered that the requirements of her husband were much more important than hers. Part 2 Being caught in such a situation is extremely tough to imagine. Speaking from a neutral point of view, every human is selfish to their well being first, and, for this reason, I think only a few people would consider carrying on with a dead person’s work. Therefore, if I was in Dorothea’s shoe, I would decline carrying one with Mr. Casaubon’s work because it certainly does not interest me. Before I make any decision, I only consider how it will affect me and the parties involved. Considering that Mr. Casaubon likes his work a lot, and Dorothea, in contrast, was not so much interested in the work, it wo uld simply be better to let it go. If I force myself into carrying on with the work, then I might end up messing it up since it is not what I am proud of doing. Step 2 The procedure that Dorothea would follow if she were to use Kant’s First Formulation theory would be to first find her husband’s motive or what is behind his motivation (Kant 437). For instance, she should ask herself why the husband wants her to carry on with his work yet he knows that she is not fully interested with the job. Secondly, Dorothea should picture an environment, which everybody is in such a situation. This would be much easier since not a majority of people would consider doing something they do not like. Thirdly, Dorothea should examine whether there would be any irrationality or contradictions in the environment she pictured the situation. It would be much easier to come up with the right decision when she knows whether or not her decision would affect others positively or negatively (Ka nt 437). Fourthly, if an irrationality of contradiction comes up, then performing towards the husband’s wishes is not permitted in the real world. Finally, if there is no irrationality of contradiction, then performing towards the husband’s wishes is allowed and needed. Probably, Dorothea would decline her husband’s wishes if she were to use the above described theory since it considers the individual self first then others. Step 3 The second formulation or, at times referred to as the Formula of the End in Itself, asserts that a rational human being should serve in every maxim as the state confining all simply relative and random ends. This is due to the nature of the state and also the end itself (Kant 450). The principle dictates that a person acts with reference to each and every rational human being so that it is an end in itself in the actor’s maxim. This means that the rational being is the grounds of all maxims of action. Therefore, they should ne ver be treated as only means, but as the supreme restricting circumstance in use in each and every situation (Kant 452). This means that human beings should be regarded as the ends at all times. With this in mind, it would be vital for Mr. Casaubon also to consider the consequences of his wishes before pleading with her to fulfill his wishes. If Mr. Casaubon truly thought of what his wife liked, then he could have known that his wife was not so much interested in his readings and especially carrying on with his work once he died. Step 4 Dorothea’s steps led her to agreeing to her husband’
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Weakness of Will Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Weakness of Will Power - Essay Example Unlike what is expected of a youth like me, I have always had a fear of trying out new things. I like staying with the concept I have and being contented with it. While contentment is sometimes beneficial to the life of an individual, mine was more than contentment; I could not try out any new thing that I did not before. In soccer for instance, my colleagues could learn new moves and develop their skills while I kept to myself. I was brought up in a lifestyle where we never used to go swimming. When we acquired a swimming pool, I was the only member of the family who, even after one year, could still not swim. This is not all, when newer and better versions of Windows Operating system was introduced, many of my friends who loved technology quickly installed it. I never even gave it a chance as I did not want anything new which would complicate my life. As I later came to realize, there were better functionalities in the newer versions of the windows that I would have enjoyed more th an my conventional version. The fear to try out new things has also affected me in class; I have always hesitated before trying out new mathematical concepts and many educational procedures. This has always affected results negatively and made me spend more doing something that I would have done quickly using a new and better concept. In the past, I did try accepting new things being ready to learn whatever it is that came my way. However, without proper assistance and guideline, I went back to becoming the same dull person who fears trying out new things. My fear of trying new things is not going to affect my life anymore. I’m committed to completely abandon this habit and changing the way I take things. No longer will I allow my misconceptions to prevent me from learning new things and enjoying new developments. I have suffered the effects of not accepting new things and trying them out. Previously, I could not embrace the new technology, learn new educational concepts and try out new methods, something which made me perform poor in my results. While people were adopting new ways of solving problems, I was stuck with my cumbersome old ones. Socially, I did not even develop as a youth since I always maintain my old style of doing things. The fear to try out new things comes with some advantages that I have always considered. The first one is that I always stay away from trouble and thus be able to keep my peace. There is no single moment that I have broken a material or destroyed a machine simply because I was trying out a new concept. The fear of losing my interests and ways of doing things have always prevented me from trying out new things. Every time I try to adopt a new style of dressing, talking, solving problems, I always fear for my normal methods, thinking that my usual likes and interests will be overtaken my new methods. It is not that I have never learnt anything new in my life. I have mastered complex mathematical concepts before and even learn a foreign language, something that I once thought I could not do completely. This has shown me the amount of potential that I have and how I can succeed in adopting new methods and learning new things if only I can try. I believe I am able to learn new things and blend in modern environments. I have learnt how readiness to learn new things has helped my classmates and improved their performances. With the right attitude and mentality, I am going to achieve this project and realize my expectations. Change is something that I have longed for and now that I have the chance, I am going to succeed and make it a reality to change my mentality. I have done a lot to venture into self-hypnosis. Being that self-hypnosis is self-induces and self-suggested
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Scientific Research and Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Scientific Research and Writing - Assignment Example As a result, its consumption faced the major set back in its making history. Many physicians, as well as nutritionists, warned their patients against consuming large amounts of chocolate. Recent discoveries on biologically active phenol compounds such as cocoa that are currently used in making chocolate has widely changed the perception of the society about the same. In relation to this recent breakthrough extensive and intensive research has been stimulated into looking at the effects of chocolate consumption on ageing, oxidative stress, blood pressure regulation, and in controlling atherosclerosis (Matsui, Ito, Nishimura al, 2005). This research investigates the association between chocolate consumption and the occurrence of acne among college girls from Oklahoma State University. This research seeks to establish the contributions of chocolate in the occurrence of acne among college girls from Oklahoma State University. The research also seeks to validate the hypothesis that chocolate consumption is the major cause of acne among college girls from Oklahoma State University. The null hypothesis guiding this research is that chocolate consumption is not linked to the occurrence of Acne among college girls from Oklahoma State University. 50 female students were used in this experiment. The population was picked at random and divided into five groups (again at random). Four groups will be subjected to consuming milked chocolate at the rates of 10g, 20g, 30g, and 40g respectively. The fifth group will the control group and will be subjected to 0g of chocolate consumed per day. The experiment will be done mainly during the afternoon hours when most of the students are through with their classes and are relatively willing to consume the food. The relationship between chocolate consumption and the occurrence of acne will be determined by
Friday, August 23, 2019
Answer the questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answer the questions - Case Study Example Furthermore, it is out of his determination that he started the Element Bar, as an alternative producer of all-natural and organic bars. Third, Miller is a risk taker. As a strength, this ability grants him the opportunity to position himself in line with new business ideas in a highly competitive market and goes ahead to invest in them, with the hope of obtaining a substantial market growth. The strength of Element Bars lies in the differentiation of products done in the production of all-natural organic energy bars, as opposed to the competitor firms such as Bear Naked Granola, You Bar, and Humm Foods. On the other hand, Miller portrays weakness points in relation to his negotiation skills. He is a poor negotiator, as evidenced in his inability to convince the bank and other sources of financing to loan him capital to expand on the business. Subsequently, he panics when faced with the interviews with the Shark Tank investors, and spends a lot of time preparing, with mock interviews being organized by his family. Element Bars is also weakened by not having a strong capital base; hence, not viable for loan options from a bank or other financial institutions to enable it expand its business capacity. Additionally, has not been in the market for a long time, and lacks the capability to withstand the competitive pressure that comes from established firms within the industry (Gasparski, Ryan & Kwiatkowski, 2010). Element Bars has a great potential in the market of all-natural organic bars given that nearly all its competitor firms are not entirely differentiated into this form of bars. Furthermore, the firm has a potential market in diabetic and healthy conscious consumers who would always choose their products over those from other companies. The company has a huge potential of expanding in growth should it obtain the right amount of capital investment into increased production of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Egypt Art History Essay Example for Free
Egypt Art History Essay The materials used to create these sculptures symbolized the pharaoh’s timelessness and eternal life, the body of the pharaohs symbolized the power given to them by God, and the formal design qualities showed the religious and political qualities in the statues. The statue of Khafre and Akhenaton reflects the political and religious climates of their time through the use of medium which symbolized the pharaoh’s eternal life and timelessness, and through formal qualities which symbolized the hidden religious meanings inside the sculpture. The seated statue of Khafre reflects the political and religious climates of his time through the statue’s medium, function, formal qualities of design, and iconography. The statue is made of diorite, an extremely valuable, un-breakable stone, which symbolizes Khafre’s unwavering power as pharaoh. Khafre’s body shows that this was how a king was supposed to be portrayed, a perfect divine being that is flawless. The intertwined lotus and papyrus plants symbolize the unification of Egypt. Horus the sky god is shown extending his protective wings to shelter the pharaoh’s head. The statue plays an important role in the afterlife, it served as a resting place for the pharaoh’s ka, his life force that accompanied him even in the afterlife. The Statue of Akhenaton showed the political and religious climate that he ruled in through the use of formal qualities, and iconography. Akhenaton’s statue was made of sandstone, different than the un-breakable stone that Khafre’s statue was made of that symbolized his divine power as king. The use of sandstone here shows the abandonment of old kingdom practices. Akhenaton’s body is extremely different and shows him as an androgynous figure attempting to portray as Aton, the sexless sun disk. This statue symbolizes the change in religion, from a polytheistic based belief, to a monotheistic religion centered on the worship of Aten, or Aton, the sun god. The statues of Khafre enthroned, and Akhenaton from the temple of Aton, reflect the political and religious climates of their time. The formal qualities of both statues represent their political stand and their religious views. Although they are very different, they are also very similar at the same time. Enthroned Khafre shows him as an idealized being with a perfect body that portrays him as a deity and shows his power as pharaoh. The statue of Akhenaton on the other hand, shows himself as a realistic being with curved hips and female like figures. Although he does not look like an idealized being like in the old kingdom, he is still portrayed as a deity trying to imitate the sexless sun God Aton. Akhenaton was able to be portrayed as a deity despite his realistic form due to his political power and his ability to change the country’s religion. The statue of Khafre and Akhenaton both reflected their political and religious climates through the statue’s medium, formal qualities, and iconography. These statues although very different, are very similar in portraying how a king was portrayed in different times and yet still looked like a deity.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Stormy Night Essay Example for Free
The Stormy Night Essay The stormy night The gray clouds had been threatening to rain all day, but it was only as she left work that It started to rain. The past few days had been horrible. She didnt get a promotion at work and the only things she did gain were more hours and late nights. When she left the office, It was pouring like It never had before. She got into the car and left, the thought of kicking off her shoes and watching TV more inviting than ever. As she drove, the sight of a huge car behind her caught her eye. She had seen It on nd off, but now it looked like it was following her. She lived alone, far away from other people and her only neighbors were deaf, old and unable to help her if she ever needed It. Just then the two miles left until home seemed Ilke two hundred. Turning around she decided to spend the night at her parents house, forgetting that they were out of town. She drove there quickly and saw the large car still following her. Petrified was an understatement now. Lightning flashed across the sky, thunder boomed. Like her home, her parents house was far away from civilization, and she had never felt more alone or scared, especially since a possible psycho was following her only a few feet behind. She then realized she had two options. Get out of the car calmly and open the gate and drive in peacefully, or sleep in the car in the pouring rain. First option it was then. She opened the car door, as did the driver behind her, got out and turned around slowly. The storm raged on. Lightning struck. He got rid of her body, dusted his hands off and left.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Accounting System in QuickBooks for a Hospital
Accounting System in QuickBooks for a Hospital Introduction: Once the accounting system is installed in the hospital then the hospital records would be kept electronically. All the manual work would be shifted in the computer through the operators. This would lead to many benefits for the organization. First of all the cost of the hospital would be decreased and the time wold be saved for the staff. All the information for the medicines would be kept in the electronic form and it would be convenient for the operators to locate those easily. It will help in maintaining following works of the hospital. Services Management This module will deal with administrations gave by the healing center. Rate of administrations is charged by standards of clinic . It will think about board , Night Charges , Emergency charges , Age of patient and different parameters while ascertaining the rate of administrations for a specific patient. Patient Management Each patient treated in healing center will be given novel Patient ID which is helpful in following visits of patients. All patients information is advantageous for MRD purposes. OPD Management OPD Registration When a patient goes to the gathering work area, another enrollment number is naturally Allotted to him. His particular points of interest like Name, Age, Sex, Address and so forth and the administrations sought are feeded into the product. OPD Billing / Collection Billing of all OPD patients with complete subtle elements of Patient Information, Services gave like Consultation, Laboratory, X-beam, Ultrasound, Medicines, Procedures and so forth alongside Payment points of interest. Discharge Summary After the release of patient release synopsis could be consequently produced with simply few press of keys. Lab information can naturally be foreign. Distinguishing offering clever standard arrangement could be set. Laboratory Management As the test is busy at gathering solicitation is consequently send to research center. Lab can sustain the consequence later and prints alluring reports. Security Management Part base security will be give to client. Customer server building design will be accompanied. Pharmacy Management Complete drug store shop could be overseen through this module. Moreover it could be connected to fundamental charging. As patient gathers pharmaceuticals from drug store shop their charges will consequently exchange to patient charging. Payroll HRD Management Complete pay might be registered through this module. This module might be connected through Time machines additionally. All fundamental organizations might be created through this module. Accounts Management All buy , expenditures ,installments could be feeded in this module. Receipts might be specifically foreign made from OPD and IPD division. Accounting Information Systems Quickbooks is accounting programming that gives a simple and effective approach to gather and abridge accounting data. Furthermore, Quickbooks makes numerous distinctive reports that are functional when dealing with a business. The target of an accounting framework is to gather, condense, and convey data to leaders. Accounting data is utilized to: prepare tax returns to send to the IRS and state tax organizations. prepare financial statements for banks and gurus. prepare reports for chiefs and holders to utilize when settling on choices about the business. Such choices incorporate: Are our clients paying their bills on time? Which of our items are the most beneficial? Will we have enough money to pay our bills one month fro Transactions An accounting framework gathers data about transactions. As an organization behaviors business, it enters into transactions (or trades) with different gatherings, for example, clients, merchants, and representatives. Case in point, when a business offers an item to a client, there are two parts to the transaction: the business gives an item or administration to the client. in trade, the business gains money (or a guarantee to pay later) from the client. Double-entry accounting Double-entry accounting is utilized to record the two parts to a transaction: (1) the measure appropriated is a debit, and (2) the sum given is a credit. Each entry must equalization; debits must equivalent credits. Double-entry accounting has been utilized for over 500 years. In Italy in the year 1494, Luca Pacioli, a Franciscan minister, and Leonardo da Vinci teamed up on an arithmetic book that depicted double-entry accounting. The double-entry system was utilized by the shippers of Venice to record what was given and appropriated when exchanging. In a manual accounting system, accountants make debit and credit entries in a journal using paper and pencil. When using QuickBooks for your accounting system, you can enter accounting information in two different ways: (1) onscreen journal, and (2) onscreen forms. 1. Onscreen Journal. You can make debit and credit entries in an onscreen journal shown below. Instead of using the onscreen journal, you can use onscreen forms to enter information in QuickBooks. 2. Onscreen forms. One can enter data about transactions utilizing onscreen structures, for example, those appeared. Quickbooks naturally changes over data entered in onscreen structures into double-entry accounting entrances with debits and credits. Quickbooks administers a rundown of diary sections for all the transactions entered if entered utilizing the onscreen diary or onscreen structure Creating an Accounting System in QuickBooks Steps to create an accounting system using QuickBooks are: Set up a new company data file. Quickbooks utilizes an easy step Interview that gets some information about your business. Quickbooks then consequently makes an organization information index for your business. In Part I of this content, Exploring Quickbooks, you will utilize a specimen organization information document that has as of recently been made for you. In Part II, you will set up another organization utilizing the Easystep Interview. Create a Chart of Accounts. A chart of accounts is a rundown of every last one of records for an organization. Accounts are utilized to sort and track accounting data. Case in point, a business needs one record for Cash, an alternate record to track measures clients owe (Accounts Receivable), but then an alternate record to track stock. Quickbooks consequently makes a diagram of records in the Easystep Interview. Quickbooks licenses you to adjust the diagram of records later, in the wake of finishing the Easystep Interview. Create Lists. Quickbooks utilization records to record and arrange data about: customers vendors items (things sold and things acquired, for example, stock) employees other, (for example owners) Enter transactions. Enter data about transactions into Quickbooks utilizing the onscreen diary or onscreen structures, (for example, onscreen receipts and onscreen checks). Prepare reports. Reports outline and convey data around an organizations fiscal position and business operations. Monetary explanations are institutionalized money related reports provided for outer clients (brokers and moguls). Budgetary explanations abridge data about past transactions. The essential monetary proclamations for a business are: Balance sheet: condenses what an organization possesses and owes on a specific date. Profit and loss statement (or income statement): condenses what an organization has earned and the costs acquired to procure the salary. Statement of cash flows: compresses money inflows and money surges for working, contributing, and financing exercises of a business. Other financial reports are made for interior clients (supervisors) to support in deciding. A sample of such a report is a money plan that tasks measures of money that will be gathered and used later on. In Part I: Exploring Quickbooks, you will research Step 2: making a diagram of records; Step 3: making records; Step 4: entering transactions; and Step 5: planning reports. In Part II: Small Business Accounting, you will figure out how to set up another organization in Quickbooks and survey Steps 2 through 5. Advantages Disadvantages of QuickBooks: Regardless of what the way of your business, keeping an exact set of books is crucial. Without faultless business records, it will be challenging to draw in the financing you require in light of the fact that business records are for the most part the first thing potential banks and moguls need to see. Off base or confused business records can likewise make it troublesome to record your taxes, or even land you in heated water with the Internal Revenue Service. Utilizing Quickbooks to keep your business records gives you a chance to maintain a strategic distance from those potential issues. Ease of Use One issue with accounting projects is that a large portion of them are challenging to utilize and lumbering to take in. Quickbooks, then again, is intended to be natural and straightforward, actually for entrepreneurs who fail to offer an accounting or financial foundation. Integration The capacity to incorporate with different projects is an enormous preference of Quickbooks. In the wake of utilizing the item to enter the sum of their business salary and expenditures, entrepreneurs can without much of a stretch fare that information to their most loved tax planning project to make indexing wage taxes at any rate somewhat less tormenting. Quickbooks likewise incorporates well with Microsoft Excel, making it simple to import information from different sources and use it in Quickbooks. Customization Quickbooks gives various prepared to-utilize layouts entrepreneurs can use to make receipts, spreadsheets, outlines and strategies for success. The product additionally makes it simple to alter the look and feel of those records, providing for them to a lesser degree a treat cutter manifestation and bailing them to emerge in the swarm. The capacity to modify receipts could be especially advantageous, and entrepreneurs can include their organization logo as well as point by point data about each one line thing too. That makes it less demanding for clients to accommodate their receipts and pay them on time. Check Signing In the event that you sign a great deal of checks for your business, utilizing Quickbooks can spare you a ton of time. Quickbooks permits entrepreneurs to output and transfer their marks and utilize those marks to set up the checks for the business. This robotized methodology is much more straightforward and simpler than composing several checks by hand every month. Quickbooks, prepared by Intuit, is a prominent line of accounting programming promoted basically to little organizations and non-benefit associations. The product permits clients to deal with a mixed bag of financial records, including deals receipts, installments, tax structures, financial receipts and stock records. Since Quickbooks is so easy to utilize, most assignments might be finished without an in-profundity learning of accounting systems. Notwithstanding the products easy to understand nature, then again, there are various weaknesses customers ought to be mindful of before putting in the project. Lackluster Audit Trail One of the essential worries about Quickbooks is the products review trail. Bookkeepers, and in addition entrepreneurs , like an organizations stream of financial data to be in-profundity and overall archived. While Quickbooks does give a review trail to most data, there are a few circumstances where financial data could be changed without leaving any kind of documentation. Basically, this implies that the product leaves an escape clause that could possibly permit an organizations financial records to be altered. No Fixed-Asset Section Contingent upon how a customer utilizes the product, an alternate potential issue is that Quickbooks doesnt accompany a settled possession area. Intuit, understanding the oversight, now gives a differentiate report to posting an organizations altered possessions. Upgrade Fees Keeping in mind the end goal to stay up with the latest, there are various pricey overhauls that entrepreneurs may need to buy. Commonly, these redesigns are just obliged once a year to get the most up and coming payroll tables and different administrations. Outages Quickbooks Online Edition an administration that permits clients to pay a month to month expense to utilize the product through a protected web program -accompanies its own particular remarkable issues. While the online administration offers fewer characteristics than the desktop form of the product, the most genuine detriment is the historical backdrop of developed blackouts, which have happened in both 2009 and 2010. Bibliography Advantages using quickbooks . (n.d.). Retrieved from Disadvantages of QuickBooks. (n.d.). Retrieved from ERP Solutions for Hospital Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Effects of Jacksonian Democracy :: essays research papers
When John Quincy Adams was elected to the office of president of the United States in 1824, â€Å"hot headed†Jackson was infuriated. He started a campaign that would land him in the Whitehouse in 1828. With his place in office brought profound political change to America, and a direct effect that would last for the next 20 years after his two terms, until 1848. This time in American History is known as the Jacksonian Period, commonly referred to as the era of the â€Å"common Man.†It is reform movements and economic development that characterize this era. One of the reasons for the growth of the US economy was Jefferson's Embargo Act, which halted trade with all foreign countries, and forced the country to industrialize, by forcing it to produce goods domestically it would normally import. A classic case of "supply and demand" was seen by this growth of the factory system and industry; as the demand for more factories increased, the labor supply decreased, inciting a need for factory owners to hire more workers. Many of these workers were filled from the immigrant and middle class. Shifting roles in society, young women as well as children worked and lived at factories, during which they were overworked and underpaid. After earning enough to aid add sufficiently to the family income, the women left work at the factory, and back to their roles as housewives and child rearers. Along with Whitney's cotton gin, inventions in society came about. This was a stark contrast to pre Jacksonian rule out of which few inventions came: The decade ending in 1800 saw only 306 patents, while the decade ending in 1860 saw 26,000 patents. Elias Howe and Isaac Singer contributed to the clothing industry with their 1846 invention of the sewing machine. This contributed to northern industrialization, and when combined with the power of steam to produce an automatic sewing machine, it was capable of producing clothing on its own in large quantities with little supervision. John Deere helped to revolutionize farming once more with his invention of the steel plow in 1837. This plow enabled the "virgin soil" of Western lands to be broken, furthering agriculture. It was also light enough to be horse-drawn, which meant it was easily maneuverable. Cyrus McCormick's 1831 horse-drawn grass reaper enabled one man to do the work of five. This caused an abundance of c ash crops to be produced.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Baptism :: essays research papers
Baptism- What does the Bible say? Definitions of Baptism in the Greek dictionary of the N.T. in Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (of words found in KJVB). (#907) - baptizo- from a derivation of bapto (#911); to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the N.T) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: -- baptist, baptize, wash. (#908) ? batisma- from baptizo (#907); baptism (technical or figurative): - baptism. (#909)- baptismos- from baptizo (#907); ablution (ceremonially or Christian): - baptism, washing. (#910)- Baptistes- from baptizo (#907); a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ?s forerunner: - Baptist. Where it is found and what is the Greek word is used?                         Baptism (All use #908) M?t      3:1-           20:22-                     20:23-                     21:25-               M?r      1:4-                         10:38-                         10:39-                         11:30-                    Lu      3:3-      7:29-      12:50-      20:4- Ac      1:22-      10:37-      13:24-      18:25-      19:3-      19:4- Ro      6:4- Eph      4:5- Col      2:12- 1 Pe      3:21- baptisms (uses #909) Heb 6:2      Baptist M?t     3:1-     (uses #910)      11:11-     ?      11:12-     ?      14:2 -     ?      16:14-     ?      17:13-     ? M?r     6:14-     (uses #907)      6:24-     (uses #910)      6:25-     ?      8:28-     ? Lu      7:20-     ?      7:28-     ?      7:33-     ?      9:19-     ?      Baptist?s (uses#910) M?t     14:8      Baptize (all use #907) M?t     3:11 M?r      1:4      1:8 Lu     3:16 John     1:26      1:33 1 Co     1:17      baptized (all use #907) M?t     3:6      3:13      3:14               baptized (all use #907)-continued- M?t      3:16      20:22      20:23 M?r     1:5      1:8      1:9      10:38      10:39      16:16 Lu     3:7      3:12      3:21      7:29      7:30      12:50 John     3:22      3:23      4:1      4:2      10:40 Ac     1:5      2:38      2:41      8:12      8:13 8:16 8:36 8:38 9:18 10:47 10:48 11:16 16:15 16:33 18:8 19:3 19:4 19:5 22:16 Ro     6:3 1 Co     1:13      1:14      1:15      1:16      10:2 baptized (all use #907)-continued- 1 Co     12:13      15:29 Ga     3:27      baptizest (uses #907) John     1:25      baptizeth (uses #907) John     1:33      3:26      baptizing (all use #907) M?t     28:19 John     1:28          1:31      3:23 Acts 17:11 ?Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.? (NIV) *Use NIV, NAS, and King James Versions to get the most accurate interpretation. Baptism necessary or not? Baptism (Greek: baptizo): immersion (From the Greek expository dictionary)- ?It is used in the NT in Luke 11:38 of washing oneself (as in 2Kings 5:14, ?dipped himself,? Sept.); see also Isa. 21:4, lit., ?lawlessness overwhelms me.? In the early chapters of the four Gospels and in Acts 1:5; 11:16; 19:4, it is used of the rite performed by John the Baptist who called upon the people to repent that they might receive remission of sins. Those who obeyed came ?confessing their sins,? thus acknowledging their unfitness to be in the Messiah?s coming kingdom. Distinct from this is the ?baptism? enjoined by Christ, Matt. 28:19, a ?baptism? to be undergone by believers, thus witnessing to their identification with Him in death, burial, and resurrection (e.g. Acts 19:5; Rom. 6:3-4; 1Cor. 1:13-17, 12:13; Gal. 3:27; Col 2:12). The phrase in Matt. 28:19, ?baptizing them into the Name? (RV; cf. Acts 8:16), would indicate that the ?baptized? person was closely bound to, or became property of, the one in whose name he was ?baptized.?      In Acts 22:16 it is used in the middle voice, in the command given to Saul of Tarsus, ?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Dr. Richard P. Feynman :: Biographies Physics Essays
Dr. Richard P. Feynman There exists a man in the annals of modern physics who defies almost all description. His name is Richard P. Feynman, and he is equally known for dozens of accomplishments which often seem to have very little to do with physics. Bongo drummer is nearly as good a description as any, for playing the bongos was one of those accomplishments. In a feat of rhythmic skill that is rare amongst even the most prestigious classically trained musicians, Feynman taught himself to sustain two-handed polyrhythms of seven against six and even thirteen against twelve (Gleick, 16). He had a feeling for rhythm that allowed him to do everything from hold an audience spellbound with his improvisational bongo drumming (16), to annoy his college roommates with an incessant, almost absentminded drumming of his fingers (65). Richard Feynman was also much more than a bongo drummer, or even a mere physicist. He had the uncanny ability to see a puzzle and come to its inevitable solution in the time it takes an average person to blink. Feynman was asked to serve on the Rogers Commission investigation of the Challenger explosion in 1986 (Slone, Challenger). After reluctantly agreeing to join the commission, he began to truly sink his teeth into the problem. By going directly to the people who designed and built the shuttle, Feynman was able to learn just exactly how dangerous shuttle flight actually could be. The official NASA figure for the chance of shuttle failure was 1 in 100,000 (Challenger). In the course of his research, Feynman came to the conclusion that a more accurate number was actually 1 in 100 (Challenger). It was because of this willingness to do the necessary research and look beyond the management level of NASA to the guts of the engineering that Feynman was able to discover the true cause of the explosion. Cutting through political correctness and public relations concerns, Feynman conducted a simple experiment with a cup of ice water in front of a meeting of the commission, thereby proving that the material the O-ring was made of was incapable of handling the stress of takeoff at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature on the day of the launch (Challenger). It might be interesting to wonder about the origins of a man with such an incredible ability to isolate the truth and clearly relate it to others. To find those origins one need look no farther than the eastern coastline of the United States of America.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Sam Sheppard
Sam Sheppard trials On July 4, 1954, the wife of a handsome young doctor, Sam Sheppard, was brutally murdered in the bedroom of their home in Bay Village, Ohio, on the shore of Lake Erie. Sheppard denied any involvement in the murder and described his own battle with the killer he described as â€Å"bushy-haired. †Starting on the day of the murder, the media began to attack Sheppard on any occasion they could. Stories were obtained in unethical, and nearly unlawful ways. Even though they were permitted to do so by the courts, going into Sheppard's house and looking through his belongings was not the most ethical practice.Also, though the courts also allowed them to witness the testimony of Sheppard about his wife's death, they really shouldn't have agreed. Stories were written in an unscrupulous manner. The â€Å"trial before the trial†was a meeting between the coroner, Samuel Gerber, and Sheppard, in which Gerber fired questions at Sheppard in front of the entire com munity – without Sheppard’s lawyer present. The media was allowed to sit in on this hearing and wrote stories about Sheppard being unfairly given too much leeway as a murder suspect (law2).Finally, the amount of stories written about the trial and murder was higher than had been printed in Cleveland about a single murder. Cleveland newspapers printed stories almost every single day for the duration of the situation. Most of these were speculation only, however, or editorials that were run on the front page and believed to be actual articles. Because of the way these stories were run, the jury and most of Cleveland believed that Sheppard was, in fact, guilty (384 U. S. 333, 363). The stories written through the duration of the murder case were one of the main things that were detrimental to Sheppard’s case.The jury’s view of Sheppard was adversely affected by the news stories such as the most famous one of all: â€Å"Somebody Is Getting Away With Murderâ € . They printed biased stories that the jury members were allowed to read, which gave them a negative view of Sheppard even before he testified. News articles run by local papers also distorted the evidence in the case. An important piece of information that was published dealt with the blood evidence. Dr. Mohammed Tahir, a renowned forensic scientist in Indianapolis, will compare DNA from the samples with a blood stain recovered from a closet door of the Sheppard edroom. Tahir will use a process known as DNA amplification, often used to study decomposed samples. Sir Alec Jeffreys, the British forensic scientist who invented DNA fingerprinting in the mid-1980s, describes the procedure as â€Å"taking a small amount of material and making copies and recopies in a test tube until you've got enough to type. †Out of four blood samples tested, all have matched Eberling's. â€Å"It gets very complicated scientifically, but essentially we have a match on the porch of Eberling, which cuts down to 0. 5 percent, or even less, that it could be anybody else,†he said (Affleck, A3).One of the detectives investigating the case was quoted by a newspaper stating that â€Å"scientific tests at the Sheppard home have definitely established that the killer washed off a trail of blood from the murder bedroom to the downstairs section†. This led the public to believe that Sheppard was lying during his testimony, and believe it, they did. However, over ten years later, the Supreme Court ruled that Sheppard’s trial had been unfair due to the Fourteenth Amendment – that everyone shall have the right to a fair trial with an impartial jury.This, of course, was something that Sheppard had not gotten, due to the media. The court saw that, and believed it was true. So, because of the media’s influence over the jury before and during the trial, Sheppard was released from prison. Sam Sheppard was attacked by the media’s unethical practic es so much during his trial that journalism had set new boundaries to limit the power of the press following the final verdict. Because of the way that the media went about getting stories for their papers and the way stories were written, Sheppard was released from prison.Journalism then set up new boundaries to assure that every person accused of a crime got a fair and just trial. Even though he set precedent for new practices that the media still follows, it is a shame that it took something as horrific as his wife’s murder to allow the media to see just how much power they had over justice. Work cited Affleck, John. â€Å"Doctors Exhume Sam Sheppard's Body as Son Seeks to Clear Fathers Name†. Associated Press. 18 September 1997: A3. . Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U. S. 333 (United States Supreme Court 1966). http://law2. umkc. edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/sheppard/Sheppard. htm
Friday, August 16, 2019
Cause and Effect of Cancer
Cause and effect of global cancer Cancer is a leading cause of death globally. Three-quarter of cancer deaths occur in developingcountries or the third world (WHO, 2010). If current knowledge were put into practice, at least one third of cancer cases could be prevented, another third could be detected early, treated and cured; and suffering could be alleviated through palliative care for patients with advanced cancers. (WHO, 2009) In low- and middle-income countries, cancer overwhelmingly affects the poor. This has huge implications for human suffering, health systems, health budgets and the drive to reduce poverty.There are around 30 million new cases of cancer per year in the world. (Eduardo Cazap , 2011) Attributed to changes in risk factors, such as lifestyle trends associated with economic development and threat of cancer caused by infectious diseases, as well as changes in diet, more and more crowded living conditions and an increase in tobacco use in developing countries. (WHO , 2010)A trend is beginning to emerge in some developing countries. There is less and less physical activity in our daily lives, at work and at home, as well getting from place to place.Cancer has become more and more serious in developing countries or the third world. There arenumerous factors lead to this situation, but there are four main causes: few specialists, equipment, chronic infections and lack of awareness. The first cause is not having enough resource people, such as oncologist, cancer specialists. There are 15 Africa countries do not have possess even a single radiation therapy machine, only 20%of patients survive cancer (Margaret Chan, 2010). The second factor is that we do not have the resources to buy equipment.Such as the lack of radiation therapy machines, without budget available ministries of health. The problem is most severe in sub Saharan Africa, where 80 percent of the continent’s one billion inhabitants live without proper access to basic radiotherapy and related cancer services. (Veronica Riemer, 2010) The third issue is that chronic infections are leading risk factors for cancer in low- and middle-income countries, such as hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Programme on Cancer Control has focused on the needs of developing countries or the third world. WHO-IAEA,2009) IAEA offers unparalleled expertise in radiation medicine, a vital component of cancer diagnosis and treatment. For an agency that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. Later that year, the IAEA established its Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) to help expand radiotherapy capacity in developing countries or the third world and build partnerships to deal with the huge disparities that exist in cancer care services. After that, PACT, WHO and other key international cancer organizations have undertaken increasingly productive collaboration, working together to tackle the crisis on a broad, multidisciplinary front. The fourth cause is the lack of awareness about the seriousness of the cancer threat. World Cancer Day on 4 February of each year is to have an opportunity to launch key messages to people (WHO, 2010). WHO is taking significant measures to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. A key achievement has been the entry into force this past year of the first-ever WHO global health treaty. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is a major step towards the goal of reducing tobacco use, which is the leading preventable cause of cancer.To date, 121 countries have ratified the treaty (WHO, 2006). Despite significant advances in medical science over the last 100 years, cancer remains the main cause of death. In developed countries, a number of factors lead to cancer and different regions have different leading causes. The amount of lung cancer has occupied most of the field of cancer all over the world and increasing rates of mortality are also significant especially in the US and Russia. A number of factors lead to lung cancer and they can be divided into inside and outside factors.Inside factors are about bad lifestyle habits including frequently smoking and alcohol consumption and human internal factors which mean inheriting by families (Konobeevskaia, I. N, et al, 2002). However, occupational factor and air pollution can also lead to lung cancer. People are engaged in radioactive substance such as uranium and radium as well as their derivates such as asbestos and tar asphalt. These do badly harm to body health. Consequently, a growing number of people get lung cancer. In Russian, it has been reported by WHO (2000) that there are 150 000 deaths every year and only 15% survival rates.However, this digital data still does not work efficiently. There is increasing number of people frequently smoking. So, more advanced equipments should be provided by government and higher protection awareness should be developed among general public. The second is Australia that has the highest skin cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world. The reason for this is due in part to the high ambient UV radiation levels, combined with a predominantly susceptible fair-skinned population (WHO, 2010) Especially, Australia nears to the South Pole and ozone hole also enhances the risk.However, Australian are not like other countries people, they enjoy the life full of sunshine and do not have the concept of lessening the time of sunshine It has been reported by WHO (2000) that 1200 people died every year in Australia. The third one is there are less cancer in Japan. According to the data statistics, Japan has lower death rate of cancer compared with other developed countries. (WHO, 2000). This is owing to the advanced equipment provided by government, healthy living habits of people and the high protection awareness among the general public.Nowadays, cancer is considered a calamity in developed, industrialized countries, the situation has chang ed tremendously. Developing countries load over half of the cancer burden (i. e. , those with low- and medium-income economies). To some degree, Human beings ought to improve the awareness, know more professional knowledge about cancer to avoid the spread maximally. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the global health. (i. e. , those with low- and medium-income economies) Nowadays, according to Global Health Council (2011), cancer is regarded as the heaviest burden in developing countries, because there are 7. million people die each year while 4. 8 million deaths happen in poor countries. This is caused by several factors. The first and the most important factor is poverty (International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research, 2011). For example, in some African countries, fewer than 15 percent of cervical and breast cancer patients survive for 5 years because of having no money to pay for the high health care. (G. H. C. 2011). Besides, lack of human resources to provid e health care and lack of resources for managing cancer also makes the â€Å"burden†become heavier and more serious.I. N. C. T. R. (2011) points out that nearly 95% of the world cancer resources are in developed countries, however, only the rest 5% are being used in developing countries. Apart from these two main factors, I. N. C. T. R states that limited government funds for health care expenditure and lack of health care professionals trained in cancer care are the other reasons. Cancer has become the most significant health issue in developing countries, and developed countries, as a most important part of the global health issue, are willing to help developing countries in many ways. Global Health Council, 2010) A global call to action for cancer in developing countries is coming into being, which is led by international agencies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations. This action not only needs from the global health community, but also needs form th e local governments to achieve an effective target. The agendum for this action includes increasing necessary access to drugs for treatments and palliation, expansion of coverage for prevention. To push forward this agendum, the Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control (GTF.CCC) in developing countries is convened by many famous organizations and institutions, such as the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Global Equity Initiative, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Public Health. The GTF. CCC ‘target is to design cancer drugs which can be affordable by the world, especially developing countries, and develop innovative service that can analyze the expansion of cancer and cancer’s control in low and middle income countries. The GTF. CCC will work with existing initiatives and learn the experiences form pervious organizations which are designed to eliminate and prevent AIDS or other diseases.Furthermore, GTF. CCC calls on wide network of services to devote to the health care for women and children. GTF. CCC also attempts to focus on implementation of public policies to expand coverage of existing vaccines for cancer, as well as early detection and treatment of cancers. There is evidence shows that the future about the GTF. CCC’s work will be successful. It states that much can be done even the low and middle income countries do not equip with the most advanced equipment and technologies.Moreover, successful instances of programmes have been conducted in developing countries which are without specialized and professional services. For example, cervical cancer, this is a significant public health issue among women in South and Central America. Cytology-based screening programmes for cervical cancer have been successful in several countries such as Chile. In Chile, cervical cancer mortality rates were very high before the introduction of the programme. While a recent evaluation of the programme indicated that more than 80 percent of the women who are married have been screened at least once, and the mortality began to declineWith such an awful condition in developing countries, cancer also leads to various kinds of effects developed countries, including economic effects and personal effects, which slows down pace of economic development and brings about a lot of family in trouble. On the one hand, cancer has an enormous financial impact in developed countries, for example, the high costs of cancer care and treatments. In United States, the expenses of cancer care have reached $124 billion in 2010, led by breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) predicts that this cost will top $158 billion by 2020.Moreover, to personally, it is difficult to face the skyrocketing cost for a patient who required treated over a long term. Every family with a cancer patient wants to provided the ultramodern medicine which will cost more, and as insurance companies reduced much benefits, reimbursem ents on cancer care have also declined. (Debra Sherman, 2011). On the other hand, the influence about family inherit cannot be ignored. Research demonstrates that the primary cancer site was accurately identified in 83%, and the second and third degree relatives was exactly 67 and 60%. (Richard R.Love at all, 1984) It is important to encourage clinicians to find more medical records about how a family history of cancer affects clinical management, which could help researchers invent more effective medicine and treatments to against cancer, especially about cancer inherit. Meanwhile, cancer also has significant influence on society, which pushes government to issue public policy. Because the life expectancy is low, especially in poor countries and the death rates from cancer is still really high (see figure 1), cancer has became more and more important issue nowadays, only the efforts of the society are not enough.Consequently, governments started to release more efficient policie s and many public benefit activities are being conducted to help defeat cancer. On the one hand, governments are required to publish new laws, for instance, the EU is responsible for the legislation about how patients are been taken care by researchers to take part in clinical trials. Such legislation is drafted at the EU level and could be used by the governments of each member state. In addition, these laws are passed to make sure that scientific research are promoted and it is really good for cancer patients by a few organizations, such as CANCER RESEARCH UK. cancer research uk, 2011). On the other hand, they are trying to make more social influence. For example, smoking makes a huge burden in Europe, which results in 650,000 deaths each year in Europe. (European commission, 2004). As the leading reason of preventable deaths in Europe, smoking also makes 29% of all deaths in affluent countries. Therefore, a number ofcomprehensive smoke-free laws including indoor workplaces and pu blic places have been carried out in more than a third of EU Member States so far. (Commissionof theEuropean communities, 2009).The Empire State Buildingwas lit up in blue and orange to memorize the World Cancer Day by the American Cancer Society and the UICC, such a method will establish a healthier society. Figure1: Population Measures and Cancer Incidence and Mortality, Estimates Between 2005-2010 Population, Years of Life Expectancy, and Cancer Incidence (C00-97 ex C44) and Mortality (C00-C97) for Regions of the World * All cancers excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. Kaposi sarcoma is included for sub-Saharan Africa countries only. Prepared by Cancer Research UK Original data sources: 1. Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, Mathers C and Parkin DM.GLOBOCAN 2008 v1. 2, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 10. In: IARC, Lyon; 2010. 2. UN. World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision. In: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Populatio n Division; 2009 According to the influence mentioned, treatments are being conducted in developed countries. According to the influence mentioned, treatments are being conducted in developed countries. Experts argue that over 25% of all cancer deaths are generated by unheslthy diets and obesity. Scientist have caculated that unhealthy diets cause from 10 to 30% of cancer mortality in ffluent countries. ( Doll, R. and R. Peto,2003) However, it is believed that cancer can be prevented by changing lifestyle, which means more healthy diet, reduce stress and from sedentary to exercise. In addition to this, a large study came to a conclusion about the connection between behaviours and healthy in 2008. These were: : not smoking; keeping active; moderating how much alcohol you drink; and eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables. (Peto, J, 2003) Both developing and developed countries are affected by cancer deeply, effects between them are not very same.In poor areas, cancer could conduct more burden than affluent areas, especially influence about economic. Meanwhile, governments in different areas also have different policy about cancer. There is nothing to doubt that all the people and governments should combine to fight with cancer, whatever how hard it is. More financial andtechnologycooperation will be proceed worldwide, in order to solve these serious diseaseâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€cancer References: World Health Organization Media Centre Physical activity a key in preventing some cancers. 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