Saturday, March 21, 2020
Free Essays on Shaya Rebellion-a Much Better Documentation
Shay’s Rebellion: A Much Better Documentation Authors each use their own unique narration and documentation when writing a book about a piece of history, such as Celia a Slave or Shays’ Rebellion. Melton McLaurin, the author of Celia a Slave, uses much more guesswork and â€Å"he-said she-said†documentation rather than actual sound facts. However, David Szatmary, author of Shays’ Rebellion, uses much more first hand, factual information. Melton’s Celia a Slave is not at times very factual and leaves room for questioning. Yet Szatmary writes a piece of literature that uses actual facts and times to convince the reader that his book is completely legitimate. Celia a Slave probably very closely portrays what actually may have happened to Celia. He used the information he did gather and put it all together and wrote a very close account of her story. However, he uses many assumptions and questionable documentation in this book. In chapter two he states â€Å"Precisely what occurred†¦after Newsom entered the cabin is unclear†¦It is reasonable to assume†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There is no need to go any further. Melton states himself that exactly what occurred is unclear, yet it is reasonable to assume. That is the key word, assume. He is not always writing sound accounts but yet makes assumptions. It isn’t clear what happened when he entered her cabin, and yes, one can assume based on their own feelings if put in that situation, how Celia felt, but there is no room for conjectures and guesses when writing a nonfiction piece about a part of history. He then goes on to say â€Å"What Celia, a slave, felt at that moment is n ot recorded, but she would have understood that the boy was inhaling his grandfather’s remains even as he cleaned the ashes from the fireplace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Once again, what Celia felt is not really recorded, Melton just makes just makes a guess at her feelings. This proves that Celia a Slave was written from a biased sta... Free Essays on Shay'a Rebellion-a Much Better Documentation Free Essays on Shay'a Rebellion-a Much Better Documentation Shay’s Rebellion: A Much Better Documentation Authors each use their own unique narration and documentation when writing a book about a piece of history, such as Celia a Slave or Shays’ Rebellion. Melton McLaurin, the author of Celia a Slave, uses much more guesswork and â€Å"he-said she-said†documentation rather than actual sound facts. However, David Szatmary, author of Shays’ Rebellion, uses much more first hand, factual information. Melton’s Celia a Slave is not at times very factual and leaves room for questioning. Yet Szatmary writes a piece of literature that uses actual facts and times to convince the reader that his book is completely legitimate. Celia a Slave probably very closely portrays what actually may have happened to Celia. He used the information he did gather and put it all together and wrote a very close account of her story. However, he uses many assumptions and questionable documentation in this book. In chapter two he states â€Å"Precisely what occurred†¦after Newsom entered the cabin is unclear†¦It is reasonable to assume†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There is no need to go any further. Melton states himself that exactly what occurred is unclear, yet it is reasonable to assume. That is the key word, assume. He is not always writing sound accounts but yet makes assumptions. It isn’t clear what happened when he entered her cabin, and yes, one can assume based on their own feelings if put in that situation, how Celia felt, but there is no room for conjectures and guesses when writing a nonfiction piece about a part of history. He then goes on to say â€Å"What Celia, a slave, felt at that moment is n ot recorded, but she would have understood that the boy was inhaling his grandfather’s remains even as he cleaned the ashes from the fireplace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Once again, what Celia felt is not really recorded, Melton just makes just makes a guess at her feelings. This proves that Celia a Slave was written from a biased sta...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Praying Mantis Egg Case
Praying Mantis Egg Case Have you ever found a brown, Styrofoam-like mass on a shrub in your garden? As the leaves begin to fall in autumn, people often find these odd-looking formations on their garden plants and wonder what they are. Many people guess that its a cocoon of some kind. Although this is a sign of insect activity, its not a cocoon. This foamy structure is the egg case of a praying mantis. Soon after mating, a female praying mantis deposits a mass of eggs on a twig or other suitable structure. She may lay just a few dozen eggs or as many as four hundred at one time. Using special accessory glands on her abdomen, the mother mantid then covers her eggs with a frothy substance, which hardens quickly to a consistency similar to Styrofoam. This egg case is called an ootheca. A single female mantid may produce several oothecae (the plural of ootheca) after mating just once. Praying mantids typically lay their eggs in late summer or fall, and the young develop within the ootheca over the winter months. The foamy case insulates the offspring from the cold and provides them with some protection from predators. Tiny mantid nymphs hatch from their eggs while still inside the egg case. Depending on environmental variables and the species, the nymphs may take 3-6 months to emerge from the ootheca. In spring or early summer, the young mantids make their way out of the protective foam case, hungry and ready to hunt other small invertebrates. They immediately begin to disperse in search of food. If you find an ootheca in the fall or winter, you may be tempted to bring it indoors. Be forewarned that the warmth of your home will feel like spring to the baby mantids waiting to emerge! You probably dont want 400 miniature mantids running up your walls. If you do collect an ootheca in the hope of watching it hatch, keep it in your refrigerator to simulate winter temperatures, or better yet, in an unheated shed or detached garage. When spring arrives, you can place the ootheca in a terrarium or box to observe the emergence. But dont keep the young nymphs confined. They emerge in hunting mode and will eat their siblings without hesitation. Let them disperse in your garden, where they will help with pest control. Its usually possible to identify the mantid species by its egg case. If youre interested in identifying mantid egg cases you find, includes photographs of the most common mantid oothecae found in North America. The egg case shown above is from a Chinese mantid (Tenodera sinensis sinensis). This species is a native of China and other parts of Asia but is well-established in North America. Commercial biocontrol suppliers sell Chinese mantid egg cases to gardeners and nurseries who want to use mantids for pest control. Sources Tracks and Sign of Insects and Other Invertebrates, by Charley Eiseman and Noah CharneyBugs Rule: An Introduction to the World of Insects, by Whitney Cranshaw and Richard RedakPraying Mantid Care Sheet, Amateur Entomologists Society website. Accessed online September 15, 2014.Ootheca, Amateur Entomologists Society website. Accessed online September 15, 2014.Carolina Mantid Ootheca, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, website. Accessed online September 15, 2014.Ootheca, Museum Victoria website.  Accessed online September 15, 2014.Subspecies Tenodera sinensis sinensis - Chinese Mantis, Accessed online September 15, 2014.
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