Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Fashion Buying And Merchandising Essay - 1981 Words
FASHION BUYING MERCHANDISING ESSAY Critically assess the benefits and the drawbacks of centralized buying within large high-street fashion retailers. What measures would you recommend to overcome the drawbacks? 1,576 words GEORGIA COLLINS 00124773 FASHION TECHNOLOGY FT3 FASHION BUYING MERCHANDISING E18BM ANDREW GRIEVE In the fashion industry centralised buying is used by many retailers, typically by larger High-street brands. Centralised buying or purchasing is a single buyer or buying department within a retail organisation that makes the purchases for all departments, to simplify the buying process. The company can use in-sourcing to maintain control over certain key elements of the organisation such as the buying function, manufacturing or transportation of products. Capital normally used to pay quotas, tax and transport fees will be saved. Alternatively, it can be outsourced to a retail cooperative that effectively uses bulk purchasing power to get products, raw materials or merchandise at a cheaper rate, in special deals or with an applied discount. Essentially, by using this method of buying economies of scale are effectively utilised. Both in-sourcing and outsourcing can be used within the organisation, leading to vertical integration where the supply chain of the organisation is owned by the company itself. For example, Zara own factories in Spain that produce materials used to manufacture garments, allowing them to dye or add specialShow MoreRelatedInternational Retail Buying Merchandising Essay2543 Words  | 11 PagesInternational Fashion Branding International Retail Buying amp; Merchandising ‘Evaluate the various buying structures that exist in order to support a retail buying function and the impact of these buying structures on the roles and responsibilities of the retail buyer. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Complicating Conditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth Free Essays
Maternal stays with complications were about fifty percent more costly $4,100 for non-delivery stays and $3,900 for delivery stays) than delivery stays without complications ($2,600). delivery-related complications accounted for $17. 4 billion, or nearly 5 percent of total hospital costs in the United States. We will write a custom essay sample on Complicating Conditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth or any similar topic only for you Order Now Among non-delivery maternal stays, the following conditions occurred at a rate of 100 or more for every 1,000 hospital stays: early or threatened labor, infections of the genitourinary tract, and hypertension, including eclampsia and pre-eclampsia. Among maternal stays with delivery, rate of 50 99 for every 1 ,OOO eliveries: umbilical cord complications, 1st and 2nd degree perineal lacerations, previous Csection, and abnormal fetal heart rate or rhythm. Patients 35 to 44 years accounted for 15 percent of maternal stays with complicating conditions (with or without delivery), but comprised only 1 percent of delivery stays without complicating conditions. Anne Elixhauser, Ph. D. and Lauren M. Wier, M. P. H. Introduction Complications during pregnancy can pose a serious risk to both maternal and infant health, and are associated with various adverse outcomes, including miscarriage, emorrhage, preterm labor, and low birth weight. An objective of the U. S. Department of Health Human Services’ Healthy People 2020 is to reduce maternal illness and complications related for labor and delivery. This Statistical Brief presents data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (N’S) on pregnancy and childbirth hospitalizations with complicating conditions in 2008. All data are reported from the maternal perspective (i. e. , reflecting the experience of the mother, not the newborn). For the purpose of his Brief, †complicating conditions] include all ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes that are in the section entitled †Complications of 3 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium. This Brief presents information on hospital utilization and patient characteristics for the following types of hospital stays for: complicated pregnancy during which no delivery occurred (†non-delivery with complicating conditions]), delivery with complicated pregnancy or delivery (†delivery with complicating conditions]), and delivery without any mention of complicated regnancy or delivery (†delivery without complicating conditions]). In addition, this report provides information on specific types of complicating conditions of pregnancy and delivery. How to cite Complicating Conditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Enterprise Bargaining Agreement and Key Business
Question: Discuss about the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement and Key Business. Answer: Introduction In the modern society and economy, work is work is a key piece; daily labours productivity, the work quality, and the job availability levels are core factors of the economic health of any country. Taking this into consideration, this is the reason that the workplace and the laws that govern it therein are Australias central focus. Being the case, enterprise agreements have to pass the BOOT (better off overall test) to be permitted by Australias Fair Work Commission (FWC). Therefore, for an agreement to be approved, it has to pass the BOOT to satisfy FWCs requirements of all award covered employees as well as the prospective award covered employees would be in a better position generally if they were to be hired under the agreement as opposed to the relevant modern award (Productivity Commission, 2015). FWC will have the ability to look at different employees classes in applying the BOOT. In the absence of proof to the contrary, FWC will work under the assumption that all award covered employees, as well as the prospective award covered employees would be in a better position generally if they were to be hired under the agreement as opposed to the relevant modern award. Being a point in time test, BOOT necessitates all award covered employees and the prospective award covered employees to be better off overall at the test time. The test time is the time whereby a bargaining representative seeks the agreement approval from the FWC through an application. Although the agreements approval is made based on passing the BOOT, FWC has the ability to approve an agreement regardless of failing the BOOT under the condition of circumstances considered to be exceptional and that the agreements approval would not be conflicting to the public interest (Productivity Commission, 2015). Due to the fact that BOOT is a point in time test, after a while, it is likely for the base rate of pay of an employee under an agreement to be lesser than the national minimum wage or relevant modern award base rate. In such a case, the employee has the right of getting paid under the agreement at a pay rate that is equal to the national minimum wage or award order rate. Enterprise Bargaining Enterprise bargaining as established by the FWC was aimed at ensuring the implementation of standard conditions and wages, which would address the individual circumstances of both employers and employees while also sustain the benefits of the employees' overall actions. Conceivably, the core factor in central bargaining is that employers, employees, and their representatives ought to be involved by sitting down and analyzing the current circumstances. In this case, it becomes rather easier determining the best cause of actions to be taken towards employees and deciding what is good for the firm to finally come to a collective agreement. It has been said that enterprise bargaining reduces the control employees have in the operations of a firm. Consequently, the major concerns continue to be the means through which both employers and employees can participate in the actual negotiations over the enterprise agreements set conditions and terms (Enterprise Bargaining, 2017). Fair work Commission (FWC) The FWC began operating in 2009, which is when it was established after the manifestation on Industrial Relations was started by Ruuds Government. The FWC is the national relations tribunal for Australias workplace. Before it changed to Fair Work Commission, it was first called Fair Work Australia (Australia's national workplace relations tribunal, 2017). Given that it is an independent body, FWC has numerous responsibilities and roles that relate to the safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions; enterprise bargaining; industrial action; dispute resolution; termination of employment and other workplace matters (James Ombudsman, 2015). The FWC provides assistance to employees, employers, and the community in recognizing and acting in accordance with the set systems. As such, it educates by ways through which it advises and administers information as well as aids in resolving disputes that occur in the workplaces. In brief, the FWC tries to come up with a national system through which industrial relations can be controlled. The FWC ascertains that industrial actions interlinked with the process of bargaining together with the entire process happen in accordance with the laws of a workplace appropriately. The bargaining representatives or union of workers who would like to take an industrial action towards an employer or who would want to support the claims they have ought to seek approval for protection, which authorizes their intended industrial action, from the commission. After the FWC has considered the key issues of the application seeking approval, they either accept, decline, or suspend the proposed protectio n industrial action. FWC has the authority to stop industrial actions that are unprotected. Due to its authority, power, and recognition, the FWC are enforceable even in courts (Productivity Commission, 2015). Roles of the FWC Being an independent body, the FWC has been delegated with both the authority and power to impose, control, and oversee the regulations relating to employment conditions and minimum wages, mechanical and industrial action, termination and employment, and resolution of disputes. In addition, the FWC is anticipated to provide both helpful and useful information in regards to the workplace relations systems in Australia, create an awareness on sensible practices responsibilities and rights in the workplace, actively participate in the resolution of issues occurring in the workplaces, and observing as well as ensuring consistence with outbursts related with enrolled understandings, rewards, and laws in the workplace. Also, the FWC ensures the proper implementation of environmental laws in the workplace while searching disciplines for the outbursts of workplace laws (Stewart et al., 2014). The Approval Agreement Process By the FWC In FWC, there are two different types of agreements; agreement based instruments and enterprise agreements. The agreement based instruments are usually on the basis of individual transitional employment and collective agreements. In addition, they consists of individual state and preserved collective agreements. Since the process by the FWC to implement an agreement is direct, the bargaining representative of the employer has to be certain that content in the agreement is appropriate to be approved. In an enterprise agreement, the conditions and terms are outlined clearly stating the employment requirements between an employer and the employee. The bargaining representatives for both parties often participate in the proposed enterprise agreement bargaining process. In an enterprise agreement, the employer has to clearly indicate the roles of his or her employees, which is where the bargaining representatives play a part in when representing the parties during an enterprise agreement bargaining process. The information is provided to all employees present who are to take part in the enterprise agreement. During this process, the bargaining representatives are to act in good faith while bargaining an enterprise agreement that is proposed (Angwin, 2017). During the enterprise agreement bargaining process, a bargaining representative does not have to undertake franchises. This is because the FWC ascertains that parties meet particular agreement thresholds by means of a test. The workers default bargaining representative are usually trade union members unless another person is appointed to represent them. Being a vital aspect and particularly at the level of the enterprise, collective bargaining ensures both an efficient and effective employment relations, which involves regulations providing for an employees choice over representation. As such, the Fair Work Act policies amendments by the government ought to emphasize in other ways of the good faith bargaining system and especially by being planned in ways that would enable greater productivity benefits in delivery. The Weaknesses and Strengths of the BOOT Process There are numerous weaknesses and strengths of the BOOT process as taken by the FWC while making agreements. To begin with, the process is effective given that it ascertains equal opportunities are awarded to all the enterprises to increase productivity. Secondly, new career and training opportunities are awarded to each enterprise employee seeking to sign the proposed agreement. Thirdly, the process is less costly and direct as opposed to government enacted regulatory policies. Lastly, the process of enterprise agreement allows for firms to gains in efficiency such as new production targets and reductions in waste (Bray et al., 2014). Some of the disadvantages of the BOOT as applied by the FWC affects employers by the total cost and time required to negotiate the enterprise agreement go through the approval process. Given that there are strict timeframes and processes, this negatively affects the employers as they have to adhere to the conditions set failure to which the proposed agreement can be rejected. Secondly, for the FWC to approve a proposed agreement, a majority, not unanimous, has to vote and agree on the BOOT (Bland, 2016). Thirdly, the BOOT is quite challenging to apply, which as a result reduces the chance of beneficial trade-offs effectiveness that leads to exposing employers to compliance risks. Fourthly, the agreement process can prevent firms from participating in the enterprise bargaining process because of the time taken for the approval of an agreement (Forsyth, Gahan, Howe, 2011). The BOOT Test Application in the Coles and HM Cases In regards to the decision made on Coles Supermarkets, the entire panel of FWC declined the approval of Coles Supermarkets enterprise agreement based on the fact that it did not pass the BOOT test. As a result, the decision has major implications to the employers, and especially when seeking and negotiating agreements to be approved to cover a disparate and a large workforce. According to Duncan Hart, who won the case against his employer, the victory is celebrated by retail workers all over Australia, and not just Coles employees (Abc.net.au, 2016). The HM Swedish fashion giant enterprise agreement was failed by the FWC in an attempt to a bill intended to cut its wages at its workers expense. Their application was turned down due to the fact that it had not passed the BOOT test, which would have left several employees worse off compared to if they were to be paid under the award. For this reason, HM among numerous other major corporations have learned that they are not in a position to pay lesser than the award rates set in Australia (Catie low, 2017). Changes to BOOT (Better off overall Test) Although in principle the BOOT is not defective, it has from time to time and especially in practice used the approach referred to as line by line that entails evaluating if the category of employees in question are made worse or better off by any of the agreements individual term when placed in comparison with the awards relevant term (Mijic, 2017). Initially, the BOOT was intended to become a test used globally, whereby the sum of all the agreements benefits are taken into account while testing those that are contrary to the awards overall benefits. Therefore, changing to a new no-disadvantage test has a higher possibility of aiding to support that intention. In addition, it would equally ascertain that employees are not disadvantaged as put in comparison with the award, which is vital requisite, where both employers and employees are given a chance to come up with agreements representing win-win situations for the parties. Shifting to the test ought to be supplemented by practical guidance that is more precise from the FWC on the new no-disadvantage test (Productivity Commission, 2015). Also, the BOOT creates an uncertainty at the time stages where the process of bargaining and the agreement approval occurs. For this reason, the no-disadvantage test would be better off replacing the BOOT, and guidelines issued by the FWC to its members on the way through which to apply for the test so as to decrease the gap between practice and legislative intent. This because the BOOT entails workplace mechanisms that make it possible for flexibility to be achieved. For instance, it permits the base rates of pay to increase as compensation of the rates of penalties (Productivity Commission, 2015). Taking into consideration the fact that the no-disadvantage test (NDT) and the BOOT ought to be in theory marginal, the NDT has a higher possibility of becoming workable in practice (Merlo, 2000). For instance, in the case where the BOOT is applied, the FWC has to be satisfied in a positive way that an agreement will ascertain that each employee is made better off as compared to the relevant award for an agreement to be approved. As a result, this makes it easier for the rejection of agreements during the approval stage when put in comparison with a NDT, which would need the FWC to find the way that an agreement makes a category of employees in overall worse off so that they can turn down an agreement (Productivity Commission, 2015). Being a concept that is well established, a no-disadvantage test has been used extensively under both state and federal jurisdictions, although in forms that are quite different. However, any additional information is sought from inquiry participants by the Productivity Commission ways through which a new NDT should be articulated. However, regardless of whether it is a no-disadvantage or a BOOT test being used, a major concern is the ways through which the FWC applies the test at the approval stage of an agreement. According to McCallum, Moore, and Edwards (2012), there are several participants who through an evaluation indicated the way FWC preferred using the BOOT as opposed to the NDT. Similar concerns arose at the time of the FW Act review in the year 2012. Taking into consideration the fact that the Australian Fair Work Bill indicates that BOOT requires for each employee who is award covered to be better off overall, it is anticipated that the application of BOOT by the FWC be used to employee classes since the FWC is not allowed to evaluate any individual circumstances of an employee (Mourell Cameron, 2009). The government of Australia ought to make some amendments to the Fair Work Act to remove the BOOT and enterprise agreements to be approved, and instead, use the new no-disadvantage test. In addition, the test used to approve a new agreement ought to be used in a series of employee classes for an enterprise agreement. The FWC ought to issue guidelines to its members on the way the new test ought to be applied. Fair work Act 2009 Legislation Impact For numerous years before the Fair Work Act was introduced, national election campaigns were focused on issues of industrial relations. However, since it was enacted, the Act has attempted to improve both the protection and rights awarded to Australias workplace employees. NES (National Employment Standards) was among the several articles designed for this cause (Sutherland Riley, 2010). In total, there are ten NES that were as part of the Fair Work Act introduced including a maximum of the hours of worked weekly and the right to flexible working hours among others (Gollan, 2009). In addition, the FWA entailed industrial action, causes of unfair dismissal, and enterprise agreements introduced to provide employees a say as well as flexibility in their employment (Chapman, 2009). Under the new Fair Work Act, employees have been provided with a right to organize as opposed to the former legislation, which was especially strict on workplace and union interactions thus discouraging industrial relations employers and law (Cooper, 2010). However, since the Fair Work Act was effected in 2009, union involvement is supported through the right to organize and enterprise agreements. As a result, this has had a significantly positive impact on the participation of unions. Since it was introduced, the Fair Work Act has also protected employees from unfair dismissal and particularly towards the disabled, elders, and female employees on the grounds that are unjust. Another legislation impact of the act is the removal of AWAs (Australian Workplace Agreement) and the introduction of good faith bargaining and enterprise agreements (McCallum, Moore, Edwards, 2012). Conclusion In conclusion, the introduction of the Fair Work Act in the year 2009, has had numerous significant changes towards both the protection and the rights afforded to the entire workforce in Australia. To be more specific, it has been positive in terms of action without the fear of reprimand and the participation of unions. However, despite all the significant changes that have today been positive in the reestablishment of power imbalance, there is still more that the Australias industrial law needs to develop to ensure that the workforce gets all the support it needs. The FWC has an obligation of making a workplace determination for recommending the regulation and rules of each employee it applies to. However, the FWC can make a strict declaration in severe conditions and contravention of the BOOT of bargaining an agreement that is substantially undermined. As such, it is essential to note that though employees have the ability of starting an industrial action in the bargaining process of a proposed enterprise agreement, the BOOT test should apply the necessary changes, or be replaced by the NDT test. As is evident in both the Coles and HM decisions, even the agreements entered into by unions and employers in good faith aimed at benefiting a majority of the average workers faces a threat of being turned down through an appeal of a number of employees. Although, a huge percentage of the employees voted in favour of the agreement, the outcome of the conditions and wages were undertaken by a tribunal instead of a collective decision making. Being the case, it is highly inappropriate for a workplace relation system that is modern. If the case would have been however different at the time the current test was legislated, this would not have been intended. As a result, the current interpretation and the construction of the BOOT test presently makes agreements risky, challenging, and cumbersome for enterprises with massive workforces (Westacott, 2017). References Abc.net.au.(2016).ABC News.Retrieved7 May, 2017,from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-31/part-time-coles-worker-wins-fair-case-against-supermarket-giant/7463132 Bland, A. (2016). Understanding the Pros and Cons of an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement - Key Business Advisors. Key Business Advisors. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from https://keyba.com.au/understanding-the-pros-and-cons-of-an-enterprise-bargaining-agreement/ Bray, M, Waring, P, Cooper, R Macneil, J 2014, Employment Relations: Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill Education (Australia), North Ryde. Catie low.(2017).The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved7 May, 2017,from https://www.smh.com.au/business/retail/hm-fails-to-secure-enterprise-agreement-20170117-gtsxwl.html Chapman, A. (2009). Protections in Relation to Dismissal: From the Workplace Relations Act to the Fair Work Act.UNSWLJ,32, 746. Cooper, R. (2010). The newindustrial relations and international economic crisis: Australia in 2009.Journal of Industrial Relations,52(3), 261-274. Forsyth, A. Gahan, P Howe, J 2011, Weighty measures: bargaining in balance,' Australian Financial Review, 15 November, p. 63. Enterprise Bargaining. (2017). Fair Work Ombudsman. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/templates-and-guides/fact-sheets/rights-and-obligations/enterprise-bargaining Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. (2017). Fair Work Commission. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from https://www.fwc.gov.au/ Gollan, P. J. (2009). Australian industrial relations reform in perspective: Beyond Work Choices and future prospects under the Fair Work Act 2009.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,47(3), 260-269. James, N., Ombudsman, F. W. (2015). Commonwealth of Australia. McCallum, R., Moore, M., Edwards, J. (2012). Towards more productive and equitable workplaces: An evaluation of the Fair Work legislation, 2012. Merlo, O. (2000). Flexibility and stretching rights: The no disadvantage test in enterprise bargaining.Australian Journal of Labour Law,13(3), 207-235. Mijic, Y. (2017). Enforcing Workplace Rights: Evaluating Fair Work Reforms to the Federal Compliance Regime. Centre For Employment And Labour Relations Law, (ISSN 1837-1418). Mourell, M., Cameron, C. (2009). Neither Simple nor Fair-Restricting Legal Representation before Fair Work Australia. Productivity Commission. (2015). Workplace relations framework: Draft report.August 4th. For a more technical, critical view against wage floors, see Siebert (2015),The simple economics of wage floors in C. Coyne and R. Coyne (Eds),Flaws Ceilings: Price controls and the damage they cause, The Institute of Economic Affairs, London. Stewart, A. J., Bray, M., Macneil, J., Oxenbridge, S. (2014). 'Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations': exploring the Fair Work Commission's new role. Sutherland, C. (2015). Industrial legislation in Australia in 2014.Journal of Industrial Relations,57(3), 333-347. Sutherland, C., Riley, J. (2010). Industrial legislation in 2009.Journal of Industrial Relations,52(3), 275-287. Westacott, J. (2017). The current state of enterprise bargaining typifies the cracks appearing in our workplace relations system a system that is becoming increasingly adversarial and regulated, and ultimately disempowering workers and employers, writes Jennifer Westacott.. Bca.com.au. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from https://www.bca.com.au/media/enterprise-bargaining-on-the-brink-of-failure
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Touchstone and East End Athletic Club
Touchstone should emphasize the following leadership Qualities for improvement of operations within East End Athletic Club Emphasis should be placed on qualities such as ability to communicate effectively, ability to relate freely with members and other employees and also training qualities. Touchstone should act as role model in providing dedicated service to customers of East End Athletic club.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Touchstone and East End Athletic Club specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She should ensure that her staff offers unrivaled attention to members so as to create sense of belonging amongst members of the club. Secondly, she has to clearly define various roles within specified sections so as to give employees easy time in associating themselves with areas where their talent and technical skills fit best. This will help in improving work efficiency within the club (Dubrin, 2010). Thirdly, s he should provide charismatic inspiration to all employees; this will ensure members appreciation on the kind of operation roles played by each employee. Then the provision of motivational incentives should be initiated to the employees, this helps in creating good work environment since each employee feel that their contribution and efforts are actually appreciated by the club. Lastly, Touchstone should be result oriented. She should emphasize and direct every action towards activities where results most accrue (Fiedler, 1967). Leadership roles that Touchstone should emphasize in bringing about improvements in operation of East End Club Touchstone should ensure that there is progress in every section of the organization. She should emphasize the importance of teamwork and give proper attention to team members by providing appropriate advices on ways of improving the overall performance of the club. She should ensure that all the programs used are appropriate and up to the tasks. He r leadership role should be reinforced through delegation of some duties to individuals; this ensures that all employees and members are actively involved in the running of the club. She should lead by engaging the staff in open conversations and record every crucial matter that arises from the conversations. She should also be involved in teaching and guiding the team through various processes and showing them various ways of solving specific problems (Dubrin, 2010).Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Touchstone should prioritize on both short term and long term needs for the club. In this way she will be providing leadership in terms of utilizing available resources on areas which require immediate attention in the quest for providing quality services to its members. She should be capable of selecting competent leaders capable of working towards achievement of the clubâ €™s long term objectives. Leaders chosen in every department acts as her link points between the club and its members, this is done through playing supervisory on employees ensuring provision of quality services. Lastly, Touchstone should be capable of understanding the needs of both employees and members and act appropriately for the benefit of the club (Cogner, 1992). Recommendations on touch stone leadership responsibility in improving operations at the club She should focus on improving system level performance based on the mission of the club. Touch stone has to establish measures of system-level performance by keeping track of statistics concerning members visiting the club on daily, weekly and monthly basis. This will act as means of measuring improvements results of which should be communicated to employees as a way of making them work hard towards achieving good results (James et al., 2005). She should offer motivational incentives towards every slight improvement in pe rformance. Touchstone should be specific and encourage rewards for good performance on the side of employees. This will prompt workers to work towards improving their services at the club, hence helping in building the club’s image. Members will be left satisfied with services offered whereas workers will feel that their exemplary work is valued (James et al., 2005). Touchstone should consider checking on whether all the required elements are aligned with stakeholder expectations. She should ensure that all actions leading towards risks are overturned appropriately; checking on program costs and implementing the right changes required should also be given consideration.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Touchstone and East End Athletic Club specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Conger, J. (1992). Learning to Lead: The Art of Transforming Managers into Leaders. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dubri n, A. J. (2010). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, Skills. (6th Ed.). NY: Rochester Institute of Technology Fiedler, F. E. (1967). A theory of Leadership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill. James, L.R., Michael, D. P., Maureen, B. (2005). Seven Leadership Leverage Points for Organization Level Improvement in Health Care. London: Cambridge. This coursework on Touchstone and East End Athletic Club was written and submitted by user Stephanie Vargas to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom Development of Tort of Negligence essay
buy custom Development of Tort of Negligence essay Law of Tort involves cases or scenarios that do not involve criminal activities but are based on the express or implied obligations that are overlooked or failed by an individual. Law of Tort deals with wrongful acts that not necessarily breaching of contract, that are normally associated with injury to another party, property, or reputation where the injured party is at liberty to seek compensation. Tort is one of the branches of civil law that has its foundation on a claim of the defendant on the injury permitted to the plaintiff by violation of a pertinent obligation imposed by the general law. This is clearly defined when one has knowledge of the injury or loss and the obligations that are imposed by the law. The Law of tort aims at protecting people physically basing on their personal integrity, property interests and economic interests in the society. Negligence is referred to as the process of breaching a lawful duty to take care by an unintentional act that brings injuries to the claimant. It is however noted that the tort of negligence is not necessarily limited to acts of inadvertence in the society. Other acts like deliberate infliction of harms to another party can call for liability in relation to the tort of negligence. According to Donoghue v Stevenson, 1992, negligence in the law of tort is directly linked with the autonomous tort that offers remedies to all forms of damages instilled on the claimant where there is no observation of legal duty. There are many types of tort but they can be merged to form three basic types of torts. The first being intentional tort. This is a civil wrong which occurs when one party undertakes an activity that in direct or indirect damage to another. A good example of his tort is when in a fight a person strikes another and in the process injures him or her; this is considered a tort of battery. However, when one accidentally strikes another and injures him or her is not at fault since there was no intention to do so. Another major type of tort is strict liability; this is also referred to as absolute liability. This arises when a defendant was negligent and/or was intending to act in a way that will cause harm to the plaintiff. In some cases liability can arise in a situation where the defendant acted in a way not intending to be negligent or cause harm A good example of absolute liability is when a construction company in its activities is necessary to blast heavy rocks using explosives such as dynamite. When an employee of the construction company blasted a boulder with extreme care but nevertheless some flying fragments of the blasted rock damaged a nearby house. The owner of the damaged house sued the construction company for the damage caused on the house. The company raised a defence claiming that the owner was suing for tort damages but the damages could not materialise since the company was not intending to damage the house. This defence is absolutely invalid. This is due to the fact that as ordinary fault is the basis of tort liability some cases arise where strict liability is totally imposed on the doer. This simply means that whenever harm is caused, there is no defence that no harm was intended or that utmost care had been put in place to prevent such an invent happening. The tort of negligence refers to the process of breaching a legal duty on part of your responsibility that in turn lead to damage to the involved parties as it is normally against their will.Duty of care considers whether the penalty on the side of the defendants act are justifiable, relates the mutual connection of the propinquity between the parties and if in all the circumstances it will be fair, just and reasonable to inflict an obligation on the defendant. Negligence observes the idea that if the claimants injuries outcome from the conduct that falls short of socially accepted principles, then there must be compensation. It is believed that the law of tort aims at enforcing standards of good behaviour in the society as it deters people from being careless in their dealings with others. After the establishment of a breach, the claimant is required to prove the breach is the result of the damage (causation issue) and it is satisfactory to the remoteness issue. Causation and remote ness are vital links amid the violation of an obligation enforced by law. In order to be a successful claimant in any negligence action, various factors must be observed. The defendant has to be found owing the claimant a duty of care. Secondly, there must be evidence that the defendant broke the duty of care owed to the claimant according to the demands about law. Finally, the claimant must have suffered damage due to the breach caused by the defendant of which the law will be able to recognize in order to deem it as worth compensation. Negligence refers to the process of breaching a legal duty on part of your responsibility that in turn lead to damage to the involved parties as it is normally against their will. Duty of care considers whether the penalty on the side of the defendants act are justifiable, relates the mutual connection of the propinquity between the parties and if in all the circumstances it will be fair, just and reasonable to inflict an obligation on the defendant. Negligence observes the idea that if the claimants injuries outcome from the conduct that falls short of socially accepted principles, then there must be compensation.It is believed that the law of tort aims at enforcing standards of good behaviour in the society as it deters people from being careless in their dealings with others. Development of Tort of Negligence Tort Law is currently viewed a form of crisis across the globe in the legislative sector due to the strong resistance and antagonism as a result of the legend compensation culture that has been in existence for many decades. Pliticians across the world are in the course of bringing up radical changes that mainly aim at minimizing the insurance premiums that will eventually lead to plummeting of the entitlement of the injured plaintiffs. Tort of negligence is dated as a current tort according to the UK law.It is viewed as a current as it cannot be compared to the other laws of tort like trespass on land, assault and battery that have been in use for many centuries. Negligence as a principle has been instituted as a accountability for behaviour deteriorating in the early twentieth century while dealing with the verdict on the case of Donoghue v Stevenson by the House of Lords. Initially, negligence was viewed as a technique of executing and interpreting the other torts rather than a distinct tort in itself. The tort of negligence was carefully fragmented before the identification of the duty of care where it was recognized with many limits in most cases. An example is in situation where a person was in control of hazardous product like a gun where care was provided to in order to avert it from causing harm to people in the society. In the entire period of the 19th century, there existed only remote pockets of negligence liability as consideration was given to the general principle of negligence. The twentieth century has provided much progress towards the negligence of tort as the judges become implementing policies focusing on the articulation of a general principle of a duty of care, a case that is clearly seen on the verdict of Brett MR in Heaven v Pender, 1883. During the ruling of Donoghue v Stevenson case in 1932, the House of Lords had not yet established the recommended general principles on the negligence in law of tort.During this period, reliance was on the private law which was by then subjugated by the contractual perspectives on the role and obligation of each party. The scenario above implicates that if an issue was outside the partial pockets of liability stated, the party owed a duty of care to the other in circumstances where they had specifically agreed to do so through an agreement on the matter.Claimants who had received injuries through other persons carelessness were not liable to a claim. Such cases include scenarios where a consumer suffers from the use of a defective and dangerous product where a contract exists between the manufacturer and the retailer or the retailer and consumer. This provides the retailer with the mandate of suing the manufacturer where the consumer also sues the retailer where due to the scarcity of the general tort of negligence in collaboration with doctrine of privity of the agreement limits the verdict on the case, thus, making the consumer not liable to the claim by the retailer to the manufacturer. This was the case on the claimant in Donoghue v Stevenson case. The Donoghue overruling on the Winter-bottom v Wright case brought into existence the concept of a new pocket of liability in which the party was liable to the duty care despite being outside of the contractual rapport. This case led to the establishment of a channel that comprises of the manufacturer-retailer-consumer. It also enlisted the judicial system that the categories of negligence are flexible depending on the subject thus were called upon to be ready to address new duty situations arising within their jurisdiction. Donoghue v Stevenson case is thought to have launched a single and universal prerequisite on duty care. The opinion is also applied by a higher-ranking law lord in Scotland, Lord Buckmaster, while ruling on the case of the possibility of claim to Mrs Donoghue where the claim was rejected with reference to the opinion of Lord Anderson in Mullen v Barr Co of 1929. In the 1970s the judiciary system underwent gradual reforms on the negligence tort where it was described as, an ocean of liability for carelessly causing foreseeable harm, dotted with islands of non-liability, rather than as a crowded archipelago of individual duty situations. This was evident in the following cases: McLaughlin v OBrian in 1982 that involved psychiatric damage; Anns v Merton London Borough Council in 1978 that was relevant to economic loss; overruled by Murphy v Brentwood District Council of 1990; Benarr v Kettering HA 1988 in a case where the claimants were awarded damages for the costs of bringing up a child, including the private school fees, where a child was born after a negligently performed sterilisation procedure; and Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd 1970 related to the liability obligatory on the Home Office for damage caused by escaping young wrongdoer. In the 1980s and 1990s, the judicial system set in place policies that favoured the tort of negligence where they exercised better vigilance and daunting liability on necessary occasions as seen in the Caparo Industries plc v Dickman case of 1990. The restriction on the retrenchment process of 1980s and early 1990s provided room for the expansion of the negligence responsibility in the relevant circumstances. This was applied in the cases below where the claimants lives had been affected: Phelps v Hillingdon London Borough Council in 2001where the bone of contention was the negligent failure to diagnose dyslexia. W v Essex County Council of 2000 about the abusive foster on a child Customs and Excise Commissioners v Barclays Bank Plc in 2006 X, Y v London Borough of Hounslow in 2008, where all the relevant elements of tort of negligence namely duty, breach and causation are established and observed while determining the claim. Role of the concept of the duty of care in the tort of negligence Tort of negligence plays a key role in the law of tort as most of the claims are normally brought under the tort of negligence compared to the other types of tort. It also has an influence on the extent further than the tort itself due to its fame and eminence gained within a relatively shorter period. A duty of care involves an obligation where a person playing a particular has to have to be concerned about his or her actions influence on other peoples safety and integrity. This always includes giving attention being keen and watching out for anything that can go wrong and cause harm. In many occasions, is the duty of care is not met in a role that solely requires it, the person responsible can be held accountable for allowing negligence to occur. This is the primary situation that provides the basis for suing for negligence in a court of law. However, a clear line should be drawn between duty of care and standards. Normally a duty of care is a representation of an obligation put up on a person as a surety that nothing goes wrong with the assigned activity. This does not give a clear detail on the way to provide that care. It should be observed that duty of care requirements tend to apply in occupational situations. In the other hand standard of care provides the minimum amount or the quality of that particular care that should be availed under the duty of care. For example medical staff has a duty of care to a patient with a cut. Preparing a dressing for this wound involves part of treatment. Where the cut is large and deep and is dressed by a small Elastoplasts will not have met the required standard from the doctor or nurse. In the current world with the high rate of industrialization the tort of negligence and duty of care plays a major role in the providing leverage and justice in the society. There are many professions created such that some create a problems in coming up with a clear cut line to provide safety and accountability among the work environment. Some work environments create a tricky situation on who should be held responsible for some occurrences of certain activities. The law of tort has developed a culture among employers to come up with effective manuals that clearly define each employees roles and scope of work; this has helped ease the accountability factor and hence increased safety in the work places. Stress has been found to be the main course of accidents. This is due to the fact that a stressed person tends to be complacent and in the process makes mistakes that result to accidents of different magnitudes according the type of work environment. The law of tort has resulted in a great change in employers notion on the duty of care. Employers now have a specific statutory responsibility ensuring a safe and well monitored workplace. Whenever a lawsuit concerning negligence and duty of care is brought to court, there is test of negligence that is undertaken to determine whether the case is successful. This involves a three stage process. The first stage is the duty of care between the involved parties. The second stage is to prove if there has been a breach of duty. Thirdly and most important stage is the causation test. This stage requires answering questions like; was it reasonably foreseeable that the particular breach directly caused the psychological injury on the plaintiff? The injury suffered should be of a high order like a psychological injury that has been diagnosed by a practitioner rather than day to day stress. In many negligence cases, three tests for the organizations duty under the negligence law is quite minimal, this basically is acting reaso nably as an employer. Affected employees have an uphill task of proving its not the work that has caused them stress but that its the stress of work that caused them a psychological injury where the employer knowingly failed to make steps that could reduce or prevent I altogether. The duty of care is seen as a banner. The emerging cases on workplace stress have lead to rampant emphasis on the employers duty of care in preventing workplace injuries.This issue has lead to many employers providing workplace counselling services to demonstrate on their commitment to the course. Duty of care is becoming a course of inspirations and a powerful lever of change. Duty of care is viewed as a shield by many employees. It duly covers them from any event where the employers should be held accountable. Duty of care also prevents employers against legal action by the employees. The duty of care assists a lot in drawing a clear line between employers and employees responsibilities in case of a lawsuit. This law alleviates the employers concern about his or her employees welfare. This may be shown through the entitys policies put in place that define these guidelines. The provision of psychological support services in many different forms by the employers gives the employee the zeal to work harder since there is a feeling of protection and accountability. This further generates to better services and quality of produce in the market. In such cases where the employers provide comprehensive policies, its very rare for employees to successfully claim for negligence. With the many overlapping and intertwining nature of the current factors in the industries like financial care, medical care, insurance covers among others. Its important to draft and implement policies that effectively define and cover all parties in a contract. The tort of negligence plays a major role in shaping and securing the work environment. With adequate accountability in place other policies can be effectively implemented in any organization. Duty of care acts as a watchdog in contract dealings. In conclusion, the application of the principles of negligence faces many challenges in the implication process by the Courts in relation to instituting the various principles in their relevant categories on the affected parties in the society. The paper has focused on some of the cases that have been previously handled in our courts and their verdicts. Although the cases do not necessarily represent the real image in most of the decisions delivered in our judicial systems. Litigation in relation to the duty care is one of the factors that has not been fully addressed and still pose a danger to the claimants. Buy custom Development of Tort of Negligence essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Types of Nouns and Their Forms, Functions, and Meanings
Types of Nouns and Their Forms, Functions, and Meanings In The Teachers Grammar Book (2005), James Williams admits that defining the term noun is such a problem that many grammar books do not even try to do it. Interestingly, however, one of the founders of cognitive linguistics has settled on a familiar definition: In elementary school, I was taught that a noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. In college, I was taught the basic linguistic doctrine that a noun can only be defined in terms of grammatical behavior, conceptual definitions of grammatical classes being impossible. Here, several decades later, I demonstrate the inexorable progress of grammatical theory by claiming that a noun is the name of a thing. -Ronald W. Langacker, Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2008 Professor Langacker notes that his definition of thing subsumes people and places as special cases and is not limited to physical entities. Its probably impossible to come up with a universally accepted definition of a noun. Like many other terms in linguistics, its meaning depends on context and use as well as the theoretical biases of the person doing the defining. So rather than wrestle with competing definitions, lets just briefly consider some of the conventional categories of nouns- or more precisely, some of the different ways of grouping nouns in terms of their (often overlapping) forms, functions, and meanings. For additional examples and more detailed explanations of these slippery categories, consult the resources in the Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms, covering topics like the possessive case and pluralizing nouns. Abstract Nouns and Concrete Nouns An abstract noun is a noun that names an idea, quality, or concept (courage and freedom, for example). A concrete noun is a noun that names a material or tangible object- something recognizable through the senses (such as chicken and egg). But this apparently simple distinction can get tricky. Lobeck and Denham point out that the classification of a noun can change depending on how that noun is used and what its referring to in the real world. When homework refers to the idea of schoolwork that will be completed over time, it seems more abstract, but when it refers to an actual document that you submit for a class, it seems concrete. -Navigating English Grammar, 2014. Attributive Nouns An attributive noun is a noun that serves as an adjective in front of another nounsuch as nursery school and birthday party. Because so many nouns can serve as adjective equivalents, its more accurate to regard attributive as a function than as a type. The clustering of nouns in front of another noun is sometimes called stacking. Collective Nouns A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of individuals- such as team, committee, and family. Either a singular or a plural pronoun can stand in for a collective noun, depending on whether the group is regarded as a single unit or as a collection of individuals. (See Pronoun Agreement.) Common Nouns and Proper Nouns A common noun is a noun thats not the name of any particular person, place, or thing (for instance, singer, river, and tablet). A proper noun is a noun that refers to a specific person, place, or thing (Lady Gaga, Monongahela River, and iPad).Most proper nouns are singular, and- with a few exceptions (iPad)- theyre usually written with initial capital letters. When proper nouns are used generically (as in keeping up with the Joneses or a xerox of my term paper), they become, in a sense, common- and in some cases subject to lawsuits. (See Generification.) Count Nouns and Mass Nouns A count noun is a noun that has both singular and plural forms- like dog(s) and dollar(s). A mass noun (also called a noncount noun) is a noun thats generally used only in the singular and cant be counted- music and knowledge, for instance.Some nouns have both countable and non-countable uses, such as the countable dozen eggs and the non-countable egg on his face. Denominal Nouns A denominal noun is a noun thats formed from another noun, usually by adding a suffix- such as guitarist and spoonful. But dont count on consistency. While a librarian usually works in a library and a seminarian usually studies in a seminary, a vegetarian can show up anywhere. (See Common Suffixes in English.) Verbal Nouns A verbal noun (sometimes called a gerund) is a noun thats derived from a verb (usually by adding the suffix -ing) and that exhibits the ordinary properties of a noun- for example, My mother didnt like the idea of my writing a book about her.Most contemporary linguists distinguish verbals from deverbals, but not always in precisely the same way.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Unisys Credit Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unisys Credit Problems - Essay Example ch Unisys has invested will contribute to a greater loss if the company were to use them to remain liquid and be able to fund its operations with the ultimate consequence being a rights issue to finance the deficit. This situation has forced the company to rethink its position on the revolving credit facility which it operates with various funding institutions to the tune of $275 million. The idea is not to renew it and avoid the escalating interests due to such. This presents the company with the challenge of how it will be able to finance its operations and come out of the financial crisis. The management theory available for use by the firm is that what has to be done for the business to remain a float must be done. The company’s management will therefore review the available options and make crucial decisions on which ones are relevant so as to implement the most effective ones. The alternatives available at the disposal of Unisys are numerous but not with serious economic consequences. It seemingly must repay the debt of $300 million by the time of expiry of the revolving credit facility. Unisys can seek funding through issuing additional shares in the market (Malz, 2011). This might not be popular with investors since the market is already volatile and most people, especially companies in the debt market such as Bloomberg realize that Unisys has the most expensive borrowing costs compared to other IT companies such as Affiliated Computer and IBM. The other possibility for Unisys is to cut down on employment expenses by laying-off employees so as to reduce operating expenses (Harvard business review on crisis management, 2000). This will only aggravate the problem as most firms would be interested to know what the situation is like to warrant such a decision. It might also result into low productivity due to reduced manpower. The uncertainty that will be accompanied by such a move would cause distrust amongst many clients, possible clients and financers
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Vodafone's Indonesian Expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Vodafone's Indonesian Expansion - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the MPR consists of two houses the People’s Representative Council (DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD). The DPR is the law making body. The republic of Indonesia largely functions like the government of US with the President holding all executive powers. The 33 provinces have the right to make their own laws within the constitution and since 2001 have been granted greater autonomy in their affairs. Five of them have special rights for such enacting their own independent laws. They are Aceh, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Papua, and West Papua. Aceh province has promulgated the Islamic Shariah Law. Jakarta is the capital and the five largest cities are Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan and Semarang. Indonesia’s GDP for 2007 is UD$ 408 Billion and the estimated per capita income is UD$ 1,812. It has a large service sector comprising about 45% of the economy. The industrial sector is a close second at about 45%. The rest is agricultur al. Employment is however highest in the agricultural sector at about 44% of the total 95 million working population. The total population is about 206 million. The services sector employs 36% and the industries employ only about 19% population. Among the major industries are petroleum and natural gas, textiles, apparel and mining.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Republic of Gilead Essay Example for Free
Republic of Gilead Essay Every person goes through various experiences in life which at times are unique or have some similarities to other occurrences somewhere else. In my case, I have gone through a social experience similar to that depicted in the â€Å"The Handmaid’s Tail†by Margaret Atwood. This experience occurred when I was serving in the military. In the Handmaid’s tale, a dystopian Republic of Gilead in its quest for a supposedly superior society resulted to a society that sacrificed and undermined of women’s rights. In this society, the rich and powerful were favored, while the ordinary people were suppressed. As a matter of my fate, all men in Korea have to serve in the military for two years. During this time, they endure not only a lot of training but also a life with seniors in the barracks. Just like in this tale, the Korean military is an organized functional society with very strict rules. In addition, the military has its barracks based away from the cities where officers live in isolation. Usually, same squad members live together in a barrack which called â€Å"life house†. There are four classes of soldier who live together in a single life house. This composed of a sergeant, corporal, private first, and a private. I belonged to a squad which followed to the letter a strong set of rules and regulations which were based on the rank of each class. These rules were observed regardless of time, place and situation. Usually, almost all squads have their own traditional conditions and rules based on the class. In my squad, lower class had to obey higher class whatever they ask nom matter how annoying it might be. Additionally, there are some restrictions and conditions what we could do or can not do based on the class. For example, a private can not watch the T. V, make a call to a friend, smoke a cigarette, or even go to â€Å"PX†which is a cafeteria where soldiers do buy some snacks without permission from a higher rank8ing officer. These rules are followed even when privates have free time until when a private attains the rank of a sergeant. There are many forms of restrictions he had to endure which curtails the conduct soldier making it discriminative from those of higher class. When a private becomes a private first, he can smoke a cigarette, and make a call by himself without the permission of a higher ranking officer. When he becomes a corporal, he does not need to get permission to watch a T. V, and go to â€Å"PX†any more. Becoming a sergeant is just like becoming what I can literally call â€Å"the God of a barracks†. This is because they do not have to participate in anything that happens in a life house. This includes activities such as cleaning clothes, and keeping house tidy. His work is only to carry out inspection of life house. As a matter of fact, a sergeant is the highest ranked soldier. Since he has little time left in the army, he is excused from almost every duty that involves manual work. Usually, private and private first do everything under corporate’s direction and inspection by platoon leader who is a career soldier before soldiers go to sleep. Restriction is not only annoying thing for the soldiers but also responsibilities which reduces as they are move up to higher classes. The highest one usually does nothing but they can order anything they want to be done for them by officers of lower classes. The highest one is like the commander in the Gilead society. The corporal is similar to the eyes in the Gilead society who usually announce the sergeant’s message and supervise lowers as they carry out he specified orders. Next, private first who is similar to the aunt class in the Gilead society supervise and teach privates and do the chores together. On the other hand, privates who are similar to handmaids in the Gilead society do not have any right for themselves. They just follow what those in higher classes ask them to do. This includes cleaning all of clothes belonging to officers of the higher classes, life house, boots, and also ironing uniform. This weird and unfair rules and conditions are handed down year after year. When I became a sergeant, I cancelled some of these weird rules because I had become sick of theme and I wanted to form a better society. At the same time, the minister of National Defense of Korea ordered me to remove some of those bad habits because they had been known to cause many troubles. These oppressive rules made many officers to commit suicides Very often in the Korean army. As a result of these changes, nowadays usually almost all soldiers in Korea have same rights and privileges and it is very hard to find a higher ranking officer ordering lower officers like it used to be in the past.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Limiting the Use of Torture in America Essay -- Criminal Justice Crime
Many social groups as well political groups have discussed the issue of torture. The elements and basic working of torture have many against it saying it is too cruel and violates America’s 8th amendment. But the question does arise what do we do if there is a suspect found hours before the crime is committed? Or what do we do to those that are known to have committed the severe crime (ie. a serial killer that has three victims hidden away) how do we find the victims and such? The usage of torture on individuals that have a reasonable doubt of committed a heinous crime should not happen. Though torture itself in the United States is not allowed. But should torture be allowed, it should only be used on those that committed crimes that can put you on death row or life in prison. Such as in Oklahoma where if â€Å"a capital offense sex crimes against a child under 14 years of age when the offender has a previous conviction for a similar offense†, but also that person had a victim hidden from the public eyes at the time of the arrest, light torture should be allowed for that ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mark Twain and His Use of Humor
Samuel Clemons became known to the world as Mark Twain the man of satire and humor. Through his humor, he entertained the world during his lifetime and he has continued to entertain for generations. Practically everyone found him funny, but not everyone understood his biting satire. His subtly in itself was humorous. Twain was known toward the end of his life as â€Å"the man in white.†He wore an all white suit and with his shock of white gray hair and he would lecture or perform in front of a black or dark background. His image, when he performed, was a contrast between good and evil, just like his humor was funny on one level and piercing on another. It has not needed the careful, retrospective estimate that a great writer's death usually brings to his works for the reading public to have come to the conclusion years ago that SAMUEL L. CLEMENS measures up to a vastly more complex figure in literature than the mere â€Å"funny man†that his first and amazingly popular achievements in authorship seemed to make him. (Changing Humor) Mark Twain was exposed to humor from an early age. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi River. The location of his upbringing was an important aspect of his life. Steamboats made regular stops daily in Hannibal. This brought a variety of visitors to the town. Many of those visitors had interesting and humorous stories to tell and Twain was always ready to listen. Most of the humor that he came in contact with were from the men who worked on the steamboats. They would gather by the local stores and the river bank to talk and enjoy a smoke. The young boys of the town found it the highlight of all of their entertainment to hang out around the men and listen to their stories of wild adventures laced with incidents that were funny. There were those who thought that Twain was funny because he was ignorant, but they were mistaken. Twain's repeated professions of innocence or ineptitude in literary craftsmanship are not to be believed. (Horn) He was an entertainer as well as an author. Audiences enjoyed Twain’s delivery of his own stories as they did reading themselves. He saw many flaws in society, and he knew that writing articles and lecturing people about these vices would only turn them away. However, when laced with humor, people were much more likely to listen, and then internalize the message. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the social injustices of child abuse, slavery, feuding, and hypocrisy in religion are told in such a way that the reader is amused as well as shocked at the atrocities. He wrote that Huck, on his decision not to turn in Jim, a runaway slave, that he would go to hell if the only way that one could enter heaven was to accept that a man could be owned by another person. Between 1876, when he began Huckleberry Finn, and 1884, when he completed it, Twain suffered a series of personal and financial disasters from which he never recovered. A short list would include: the loss of close friends, a drastic break with his publisher, financial troubles running to bankruptcy, ruinous involvements with various patents he had acquired; a bitterly disappointing return to the Mississippi River, Hannibal, and boyhood scenes; and the beginnings of chronic ill health for the four deeply loved female members of his family. (Bercovitch) Yet with all of the pressures of life he still used humor in his writing. Twain made use of the newly settled Southwest as the outset of his career. Using dialect and the regional setting as a tool for humor was just one way that he entertained his readers. The genre that developed originates from the politics and oral histories of a burgeoning region– full of fire and out to prove itself to the world. This enthusiasm manifests itself in bawdy, violent, and predominately masculine portrayals of the world of the Southwest. Yet beneath the savagery of the stories, there is an effort at realism and regional descriptions that had not been attempted previously. (Price)  He was able to take them to a place that seemed to move at a slower pace, and where the â€Å"city slicker†with all his education was no match for the common sense of the frontiersman. This is notable in the story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, where the narrator from the city is taken and made out the fool by an older uneducated man in a country store. Southwestern humor was not the only way that Twain displayed his humor. He did not feel the need to limit himself by only writing regional literature. In A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, the Yankee is an idealist who believes that when transported back in time, that technology and reforms in the church could change the morality of the world. The naivety is presented in a humorous way, but people were forced to look at morality instead of only focusing on technology. The short story Luck displayed quite humorously the intelligence of military leaders. While the story is set in England, the purpose was to question leaders in all countries. He tells the reader that the man being honored as a brilliant military leader is really a fool. The narrator is a minister so he should be believable. He lets us in on the secret that the man has only made all of his heroic and brilliant actions were actually foolish blunders and mistakes. In Twain’s later years his humor changed. He suffered tragedies that would shake anyone. His humor transformed into bitter satire. While in Europe, he received word that his favorite daughter, Susie had meningitis. By the time he and Olivia, his wife, returned to America, Susie had died. This devastated him, and he never really recovered from his grief. A few years later, Olivia died. He threw himself into the care of his epileptic daughter, Jean. Unfortunately, Jean had a seizure and drowned in her bathtub. Mark Twain had lost most of his family and was a broken man. After the suffering he went through in such a short amount of time could only affect his humor. His anger toward God was the target of most of his satire. In his last work, The Mysterious Stranger, Twain chronicles the wanderings of Satan, the nephew of the famous Satan, on earth. This work was a product of his bitterness at the loss of the beloved women in his life. It was published six years after his death and was not completely finished. However, it should only be natural that a person would change during the course of his/her life. Mark Twain will always be known to the public as a humorist. He enlightened millions with his social ideas in a funny and entertaining way. He brought many issues to life through an amusing little boy that made people think of days gone by. He will continue to do so for many years to come. Humor has changed drastically over the years. Mark Twain’s writings are different from the humor today that relies on someone being hurt or frightened silly. It is refreshing to see the work of a humorist with substance. Works Cited Bercovitch, Sacvan. What’s Funny about Huckleberry Finn. 18, June 2007, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_n27_v12/ai_18486848/pg_3 Changing Humor. 1920. The New York Times. 18, June 2007, http://www.twainquotes.com/19200321.html  Horn, Jason. Mark Twain: A Study of the Short Fiction Book Review. Summer 1998. 18, June 2007, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2455/is_3_35/ai_83585394 Price, Angel. Southwestern Humor and Mark Twain. 18, June 2007, http://etext.virginia.edu/railton/projects/price/southwes.htm Â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Research Paper About Computer Addiction Essay
A.Background of the study It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers became irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it for business purposes while youngsters for computer games. Computers became that part of our life and every important component in the spheres of the life leisure. And nowadays majority of young people spend their leisure time playing computer games, surfing through the internet. Computer have become one of the favorite time-spending of young people in all ages, and even some adults and the students. With permanent development of computer technology the quality of people using computer either for working purposes or entertainment purposes is increasing speedily. There are many things that causes addiction to computer, one reason being, is that most of the students just need something to occupy their time and these games and browsing internet do that for countless hours. Some students use computer to escape their reality which can include school, work and possibly personal problems. Computer also represents students to challenges they can overcome so they can feel a sense of accomplishments in virtual world, mistakes can be undone and time can review itself with the push of a few buttons. B.Statement of the problem This study sought to evaluate the different factor that causes STI College Taft Students addiction to computer games. The researcher prepared some of the following questions: 1.What factors that students addicted to computers? 2.What are the signs that would let us know if a student is addicted or not? 3.How computer affect students vices in their everyday lives? C.Significance of the study This Study will enlighten the students of STI College Taft, about the causes, disorders, and negative affects that they can get through computers. Also these studies would like to encourage them to seek immediate way to prevent computer addictions. D.Scope and Delimitation of the study These studies focused in computer addiction. How computer affect our co-students in STI College Taft in different factors, such as in their studies, personal problem, emotional, physical and mental, time, financial and social. We researched also the reason why they are involved in this problem. We also study the symptoms and effect of computer addictions. We emphasize some of alternative solution in this problem. We limit this study by given information in computer addiction, until we came up in the effects and at last we give our recommendations to help our student to solve their dilemma about computer addiction.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on AMD
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: COMPANY PROFILE1 THE COMPETITIVE PC CHIP MARKET2 DIVERSIFICATION AND GLOBAL POSITION3 COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS4 GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY5 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT6 THE EHS PROGRAM7 AMD’S WORK FORCE8 SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY7 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY8 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY10 CONCLUSION11 WORKS CITED12 INTRODUCTION: COMPANY PROFILE Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. is ranked as the as the world’s second largest PC chipmaker with a market share of just 17%, far behind Intel Corp. with 81% of the market (Buckman and Williams 2001, 1). However, in 2000 AMD’s sales jumped 63% to $4.6 billion, producing $983 million in net income and its first profitable year since 1995 (Streetwalker 2001, 1). AMD owns engineering, manufacturing, warehousing and administrative facilities where it produces not only PC chips but also microprocessors, memory circuits, logic circuits, flash memory devices, telecommunication products and embedded processors (Moody’s 2000, 2520). The company’s headquarters and research and development site are located in Sunnyvale, CA, while the wafer manufacturing plants are located in Austin, TX and Dresden, Germany. The test and assembly facilities are located in Bangkok, Thailand and Penang, Malaysia. The company has also established production at the Singapore’s test and assembly facility as well as an analysis and design plant in Suzhou, China. In addition, a new plant in Japan, a joint venture of AMD and Fujitsu, called AMD Fujitsu Semiconductor Ltd. or FASB, will begin operations in the first half of 2001 (Dum 2000, 2). AMD, like many technological multinational enterprises (MNE), prefers to locate its factories and assembly plants in technology clusters in stable and democratic countries. However, AMD knows that East Asia is one of the best places for setting up factories because of cheap wages, stable countries, proximity to suppliers and potentially large mark... Free Essays on AMD Free Essays on AMD CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: COMPANY PROFILE 1 THE COMPETITIVE PC CHIP MARKET 2 DIVERSIFICATION AND GLOBAL POSITION 3 COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 4 GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY 5 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 6 THE EHS PROGRAM 7 AMD’S WORK FORCE 8 SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY 7 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 8 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 10 CONCLUSION 11 WORKS CITED 12 INTRODUCTION: COMPANY PROFILE Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. is ranked as the as the world’s second largest PC chipmaker with a market share of just 17%, far behind Intel Corp. with 81% of the market (Buckman and Williams 2001, 1). However, in 2000 AMD’s sales jumped 63% to $4.6 billion, producing $983 million in net income and its first profitable year since 1995 (Streetwalker 2001, 1). AMD owns engineering, manufacturing, warehousing and administrative facilities where it produces not only PC chips but also microprocessors, memory circuits, logic circuits, flash memory devices, telecommunication products and embedded processors (Moody’s 2000, 2520). The company’s headquarters and research and development site are located in Sunnyvale, CA, while the wafer manufacturing plants are located in Austin, TX and Dresden, Germany. The test and assembly facilities are located in Bangkok, Thailand and Penang, Malaysia. The company has also established production at the Singapore’s test and assembly facility as well as an analysis and design plant in Suzhou, China. In addition, a new plant in Japan, a joint venture of AMD and Fujitsu, called AMD Fujitsu Semiconductor Ltd. or FASB, will begin operations in the first half of 2001 (Dum 2000, 2). AMD, like many technological multinational enterprises (MNE), prefers to locate its factories and assembly plants in technology clusters in stable and democratic countries. However, AMD knows that East Asia is one of the best places for setting up factories because of cheap wages, stable countries, proximity to suppliers and potentially large mark...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing
How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing As content marketers, we all have too much to do, and not enough time to get it done. We’re also under pressure to deliver high-quality content our audiences want. That content also needs to be distributed across an ever-growing array of channels. If you’re working on a small team, that pressure is further magnified. When resources are limited, you have to stretch everything you have to succeed. So, how can you produce awesome 10X content when your time is limited? Try turning one piece of content into five (or more). Why Should Marketers Repurpose Content? Repurposing content simply means taking one asset and reusing it somewhere else. That sounds simple enough in theory, but it can get tricky in execution. To really make it work, it helps to produce content with repurposing in mind, so you can easily slice and dice it into different formats. The benefits to repurposing content are considerable, too. When you focus your energy on producing one awesome asset (say, an in-depth blog post or video), you’re likely to produce a better piece of work than you would by dividing your attention across every platform you’re responsible for. By creating said content with repurposing in mind from the beginning, you can reuse pieces of it elsewhere without your audience feeling like you’re cutting corners. That frees you up to focus on doing one thing really well, while still getting tons more work done with way less effort. In this post, well show you how to repurpose your way to content marketing nirvana. How to Repurpose Content And Make the Most of Your MarketingGrab Your Free Content Repurposing Guide + Infographic This post goes deep into the content repurposing process. However, there are tons of different ways you can repurpose content. In fact, there are far too many to cover in this post alone (and once you get started, youll probably come up with even more of your own). So, we thought youd enjoy this bonus guide packed with 50 content repurposing tips. That way, youll have the process and the inspiration you need to create more awesome content in less time than ever. Plus, weve included a detailed infographic on all things repurposing for you to keep on hand as a reference.Start By Building Your Content Repurposing Toolbox In this post, we’ll show you some tools you can use to help with your content repurposing process: Google (free): Self-explanatory. Google Analytics (freemium): It’s free. It’s powerful. We’re 99% sure you’re already using it. PrintFriendly (free): This is a great tool for turning blog posts into PDFs. Paste in any URL, click a button, and you're done. SlideShare (free): Turning existing content into a slide deck is a great way to maximize the mileage of your efforts. BuzzSumo (paid, optional): This is one of the best content research tools out there. It’s awesome for finding top-performing content for a given keyword. (paid, optional): We have a few features in our own platform that can help with this process, too. We'll talk about those at the end. Step 1: Create a Piece of Large-Scale 10X Content If you’re unfamiliar with the term â€Å"10X content,†it refers to the idea of creating content that’s ten times better than anything that already exists. In order to create that kind of content, you’ll need to buckle down and focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional. Focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional.Start With Keyword Research If you’re working with limited time, money, and resources, you’ll want to make the most of every minute you’ve got. Starting with strong keyword research gives you hard data to ensure people are going to care about the content you’re creating before you get too far into your process. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Content Marketer's Guide to Keyword Research How to Improve Your Keyword Research With Latent Semantic Indexing This is the Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level Apply the Skyscraper Technique One of the fastest ways to create a piece of 10X content is to apply the Skyscraper Technique. Coined by Brian Dean of Backlinko, it’s an easy and repeatable process for creating the best stuff possible on a given topic. Here’s how it works in simple terms: Review the top ten search results for your chosen keyword. Make a spreadsheet (or just make mental notes) of what information each post contains. Pay attention to missing information, lack of important details, or types of content that are missing from each post (videos, infographics, etc.). Write your own post that includes all the information a person searching for that topic would need. Add resources that are missing from existing content. In short, create something that is objectively better-researched and more resourceful than anything else that currently exists. There are a couple different ways you can find top-performing content (so you can scope out your competition): Do a simple Google search. It's free and easy. Use BuzzSumo. Sometimes, what gets shared on social media can differ from what ranks highest in organic search. So, use BuzzSumo to find all the top-shared content on social media for a given keyword. This can help you find even more inspiration than using a search engine alone. The team at Duct Tape Marketing put together this video to demonstrate how it works and help you get started: While success isn’t guaranteed, if you follow this process correctly, you should start to see results. Recommended Reading: How to Improve Your Content With the Skyscraper Technique Craft a Solid Outline Here at , we never write a blog post without an outline. They’re essential for saving time by figuring out what you’ll cover, before getting started and realizing your ideas are a disorganized mess. Plus, outlines also make it easier to break your post down into sections so you can think more clearly about how each piece might be reused somewhere else. Recommended Reading: The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution for the Best Blog Outline Then, Write the Crap Out of Your Blog Post Remember, our goal here is to start off with one awesome 10X piece of content. An ordinary, run-of-the-mill blog post isn’t going to cut it here. You’ll need to dig deep and produce something truly great. Furthermore, you’ll need to write while keeping repurposing in mind. Your post should: Be substantial. That’s probably going to mean it’s at least 1,500 to 3,000 words in length. That’s not because longer posts are inherently better, but because you’re probably going to need that kind of length to include all the information your post will need. Be relevant. Make sure you’ve selected keywords and a topic your audience cares about. One idea here is to look through your Google Analytics account, see which content has received the most traffic or conversions and try coming up with something similar. Be better than anything else that currently exists. This is a tall order, but it might be more achievable than you think. We’ll get into this in our next section. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Blog Writing Process to Create Killer Posts How to Write a Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist to Rock a Perfect Post Design Visual Content You Can Use Elsewhere Whether you’re creating your own images or working with a designer, include graphics you can share elsewhere in your post. Those could include: Quote graphics Infographics Instructional images and how-to illustrations Blog title header graphics Stat graphics The key is to create graphics that both: Can be embedded inline in your post. Makes sense in context on your social channels. Here's an example of a tweet from our Twitter profile that uses an instructional graphic from this blog post: Heres how to build new marketing habits https://t.co/F08Y2Vq3sG pic.twitter.com/2IfOluQdrz (@) February 19, 2017 Here's another one for a landing page, where we took the page's header graphic and made a Twitter-friendly version: We put together over 100 free templates just for you with our new marketing resource library! 📚 https://t.co/hWVVfr8Cww pic.twitter.com/nVWEzRUBw0 (@) February 21, 2017 We’ll cover this further in a bit, but for now, take a look through this post (or most others on our blog) for more examples of what we’re talking about. Recommended Reading: How to Make the Best Social Media Images the Easy Way How to Attract an Audience With the Best Blog Photography Tips (+128 Images) How to Make the Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) Step 2: Optimize Your Post for Repurposing Now that you’ve got a draft of your post complete, let’s see how we can use pieces of it on other channels and platforms. Use Your Email Introduction in Your Email Newsletters Consider crafting your intro with an email-friendly conversational tone. That way, you can easily copy and paste it into your email software, tweaking it slightly as necessary. This will likely only work if your emails are text-heavy rather than image-based. If you send a lot of plain text emails though, this can be an immense time-saver. Recommended Reading: How to Write Irresistible Blog Post Introductions That'll Keep Your Readers Reading Turn Your Blog Post Into Inspiration for a YouTube Video You’ve heard the cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words. That means video has to be worth like, what, half a library? Well, something like that. Anyway, what we’re getting at here is if someone wants to read about a topic, someone probably wants to watch a video about it, too. So, shoot a video based on your blog post. That’s something we’ve done in the past with our video series, and it makes time spent on ideation go a lot quicker: You can even use your blog post as the basis for your script (if you’ll be scripting out your post). If you’re wondering exactly how you could turn a blog post into a video, try this: Break down the main points of your blog post. Ask yourself, â€Å"What are the main takeaways I want someone to learn from reading this?†List them out. Write a condensed script or outline that you could read through in under ten minutes (give or take). Shoot your video. If you don’t have access to a videographer or professional gear, use your phone. Get something together that will show your audience what you’re trying to tell them with your blog post. Recommended Reading: How to Make a Video Content Marketing Strategy to Boost Your New Series Reuse Your YouTube Video on Facebook and Twitter Alternately, you might want to shoot your video natively for Facebook or Twitter. For our purposes here, let’s say you’ve shot a five-minute video for YouTube. If you wanted to get further mileage out of it, consider sharing that video directly on Facebook too, or break it down into smaller chunks and create a mini-video series for Twitter. Recommended Reading: How to Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing How to Do Facebook Video Marketing the Right Way Use Your Blog Post Intro For Your YouTube Description If you created a video to include in your blog post, use your introduction for your YouTube description. Substantive YouTube descriptions are important for a few reasons, including: Improving your YouTube SEO. Clearly communicating to viewers what your video is about. Giving your YouTube videos a clean, complete, and professional appearance. Like reusing blog post content for email, feel free to adjust your wording as necessary to work within the context of a YouTube description. At the very least, your blog post can give you a solid foundation to dramatically cut down on writing time for YouTube. For example, the description we used for this video ... ... came straight from the introduction to the blog post we created for it: Reuse Graphics on Social Media When you’re creating graphics for your blog post, create a few different versions sized appropriately for your social networks. If you need a primer on the best sizes for every network, we’ve got you covered. Also, consider which types of graphics you could both embed in your blog, and share on social media. Long infographics are great for Pinterest, while quote graphics and images with quick stats are a good fit for Twitter. Here's an example of a blog post graphic we repurposed on Twitter: #Content tip: get more ideas by leveraging expertise outside your marketing department. https://t.co/TeMRAAyz4r pic.twitter.com/n5igyugwQJ - (@) July 14, 2017 How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing As content marketers, we all have too much to do, and not enough time to get it done. We’re also under pressure to deliver high-quality content our audiences want. That content also needs to be distributed across an ever-growing array of channels. If you’re working on a small team, that pressure is further magnified. When resources are limited, you have to stretch everything you have to succeed. So, how can you produce awesome 10X content when your time is limited? Try turning one piece of content into five (or more). Why Should Marketers Repurpose Content? Repurposing content simply means taking one asset and reusing it somewhere else. That sounds simple enough in theory, but it can get tricky in execution. To really make it work, it helps to produce content with repurposing in mind, so you can easily slice and dice it into different formats. The benefits to repurposing content are considerable, too. When you focus your energy on producing one awesome asset (say, an in-depth blog post or video), you’re likely to produce a better piece of work than you would by dividing your attention across every platform you’re responsible for. By creating said content with repurposing in mind from the beginning, you can reuse pieces of it elsewhere without your audience feeling like you’re cutting corners. That frees you up to focus on doing one thing really well, while still getting tons more work done with way less effort. In this post, well show you how to repurpose your way to content marketing nirvana. How to Repurpose Content And Make the Most of Your MarketingGrab Your Free Content Repurposing Guide + Infographic This post goes deep into the content repurposing process. However, there are tons of different ways you can repurpose content. In fact, there are far too many to cover in this post alone (and once you get started, youll probably come up with even more of your own). So, we thought youd enjoy this bonus guide packed with 50 content repurposing tips. That way, youll have the process and the inspiration you need to create more awesome content in less time than ever. Plus, weve included a detailed infographic on all things repurposing for you to keep on hand as a reference.Start By Building Your Content Repurposing Toolbox In this post, we’ll show you some tools you can use to help with your content repurposing process: Google (free): Self-explanatory. Google Analytics (freemium): It’s free. It’s powerful. We’re 99% sure you’re already using it. PrintFriendly (free): This is a great tool for turning blog posts into PDFs. Paste in any URL, click a button, and you're done. SlideShare (free): Turning existing content into a slide deck is a great way to maximize the mileage of your efforts. BuzzSumo (paid, optional): This is one of the best content research tools out there. It’s awesome for finding top-performing content for a given keyword. (paid, optional): We have a few features in our own platform that can help with this process, too. We'll talk about those at the end. Step 1: Create a Piece of Large-Scale 10X Content If you’re unfamiliar with the term â€Å"10X content,†it refers to the idea of creating content that’s ten times better than anything that already exists. In order to create that kind of content, you’ll need to buckle down and focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional. Focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional.Start With Keyword Research If you’re working with limited time, money, and resources, you’ll want to make the most of every minute you’ve got. Starting with strong keyword research gives you hard data to ensure people are going to care about the content you’re creating before you get too far into your process. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Content Marketer's Guide to Keyword Research How to Improve Your Keyword Research With Latent Semantic Indexing This is the Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level Apply the Skyscraper Technique One of the fastest ways to create a piece of 10X content is to apply the Skyscraper Technique. Coined by Brian Dean of Backlinko, it’s an easy and repeatable process for creating the best stuff possible on a given topic. Here’s how it works in simple terms: Review the top ten search results for your chosen keyword. Make a spreadsheet (or just make mental notes) of what information each post contains. Pay attention to missing information, lack of important details, or types of content that are missing from each post (videos, infographics, etc.). Write your own post that includes all the information a person searching for that topic would need. Add resources that are missing from existing content. In short, create something that is objectively better-researched and more resourceful than anything else that currently exists. There are a couple different ways you can find top-performing content (so you can scope out your competition): Do a simple Google search. It's free and easy. Use BuzzSumo. Sometimes, what gets shared on social media can differ from what ranks highest in organic search. So, use BuzzSumo to find all the top-shared content on social media for a given keyword. This can help you find even more inspiration than using a search engine alone. The team at Duct Tape Marketing put together this video to demonstrate how it works and help you get started: While success isn’t guaranteed, if you follow this process correctly, you should start to see results. Recommended Reading: How to Improve Your Content With the Skyscraper Technique Craft a Solid Outline Here at , we never write a blog post without an outline. They’re essential for saving time by figuring out what you’ll cover, before getting started and realizing your ideas are a disorganized mess. Plus, outlines also make it easier to break your post down into sections so you can think more clearly about how each piece might be reused somewhere else. Recommended Reading: The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution for the Best Blog Outline Then, Write the Crap Out of Your Blog Post Remember, our goal here is to start off with one awesome 10X piece of content. An ordinary, run-of-the-mill blog post isn’t going to cut it here. You’ll need to dig deep and produce something truly great. Furthermore, you’ll need to write while keeping repurposing in mind. Your post should: Be substantial. That’s probably going to mean it’s at least 1,500 to 3,000 words in length. That’s not because longer posts are inherently better, but because you’re probably going to need that kind of length to include all the information your post will need. Be relevant. Make sure you’ve selected keywords and a topic your audience cares about. One idea here is to look through your Google Analytics account, see which content has received the most traffic or conversions and try coming up with something similar. Be better than anything else that currently exists. This is a tall order, but it might be more achievable than you think. We’ll get into this in our next section. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Blog Writing Process to Create Killer Posts How to Write a Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist to Rock a Perfect Post Design Visual Content You Can Use Elsewhere Whether you’re creating your own images or working with a designer, include graphics you can share elsewhere in your post. Those could include: Quote graphics Infographics Instructional images and how-to illustrations Blog title header graphics Stat graphics The key is to create graphics that both: Can be embedded inline in your post. Makes sense in context on your social channels. Here's an example of a tweet from our Twitter profile that uses an instructional graphic from this blog post: Heres how to build new marketing habits https://t.co/F08Y2Vq3sG pic.twitter.com/2IfOluQdrz (@) February 19, 2017 Here's another one for a landing page, where we took the page's header graphic and made a Twitter-friendly version: We put together over 100 free templates just for you with our new marketing resource library! 📚 https://t.co/hWVVfr8Cww pic.twitter.com/nVWEzRUBw0 (@) February 21, 2017 We’ll cover this further in a bit, but for now, take a look through this post (or most others on our blog) for more examples of what we’re talking about. Recommended Reading: How to Make the Best Social Media Images the Easy Way How to Attract an Audience With the Best Blog Photography Tips (+128 Images) How to Make the Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) Step 2: Optimize Your Post for Repurposing Now that you’ve got a draft of your post complete, let’s see how we can use pieces of it on other channels and platforms. Use Your Email Introduction in Your Email Newsletters Consider crafting your intro with an email-friendly conversational tone. That way, you can easily copy and paste it into your email software, tweaking it slightly as necessary. This will likely only work if your emails are text-heavy rather than image-based. If you send a lot of plain text emails though, this can be an immense time-saver. Recommended Reading: How to Write Irresistible Blog Post Introductions That'll Keep Your Readers Reading Turn Your Blog Post Into Inspiration for a YouTube Video You’ve heard the cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words. That means video has to be worth like, what, half a library? Well, something like that. Anyway, what we’re getting at here is if someone wants to read about a topic, someone probably wants to watch a video about it, too. So, shoot a video based on your blog post. That’s something we’ve done in the past with our video series, and it makes time spent on ideation go a lot quicker: You can even use your blog post as the basis for your script (if you’ll be scripting out your post). If you’re wondering exactly how you could turn a blog post into a video, try this: Break down the main points of your blog post. Ask yourself, â€Å"What are the main takeaways I want someone to learn from reading this?†List them out. Write a condensed script or outline that you could read through in under ten minutes (give or take). Shoot your video. If you don’t have access to a videographer or professional gear, use your phone. Get something together that will show your audience what you’re trying to tell them with your blog post. Recommended Reading: How to Make a Video Content Marketing Strategy to Boost Your New Series Reuse Your YouTube Video on Facebook and Twitter Alternately, you might want to shoot your video natively for Facebook or Twitter. For our purposes here, let’s say you’ve shot a five-minute video for YouTube. If you wanted to get further mileage out of it, consider sharing that video directly on Facebook too, or break it down into smaller chunks and create a mini-video series for Twitter. Recommended Reading: How to Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing How to Do Facebook Video Marketing the Right Way Use Your Blog Post Intro For Your YouTube Description If you created a video to include in your blog post, use your introduction for your YouTube description. Substantive YouTube descriptions are important for a few reasons, including: Improving your YouTube SEO. Clearly communicating to viewers what your video is about. Giving your YouTube videos a clean, complete, and professional appearance. Like reusing blog post content for email, feel free to adjust your wording as necessary to work within the context of a YouTube description. At the very least, your blog post can give you a solid foundation to dramatically cut down on writing time for YouTube. For example, the description we used for this video ... ... came straight from the introduction to the blog post we created for it: Reuse Graphics on Social Media When you’re creating graphics for your blog post, create a few different versions sized appropriately for your social networks. If you need a primer on the best sizes for every network, we’ve got you covered. Also, consider which types of graphics you could both embed in your blog, and share on social media. Long infographics are great for Pinterest, while quote graphics and images with quick stats are a good fit for Twitter. Here's an example of a blog post graphic we repurposed on Twitter: #Content tip: get more ideas by leveraging expertise outside your marketing department. https://t.co/TeMRAAyz4r pic.twitter.com/n5igyugwQJ - (@) July 14, 2017 How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing As content marketers, we all have too much to do, and not enough time to get it done. We’re also under pressure to deliver high-quality content our audiences want. That content also needs to be distributed across an ever-growing array of channels. If you’re working on a small team, that pressure is further magnified. When resources are limited, you have to stretch everything you have to succeed. So, how can you produce awesome 10X content when your time is limited? Try turning one piece of content into five (or more). Why Should Marketers Repurpose Content? Repurposing content simply means taking one asset and reusing it somewhere else. That sounds simple enough in theory, but it can get tricky in execution. To really make it work, it helps to produce content with repurposing in mind, so you can easily slice and dice it into different formats. The benefits to repurposing content are considerable, too. When you focus your energy on producing one awesome asset (say, an in-depth blog post or video), you’re likely to produce a better piece of work than you would by dividing your attention across every platform you’re responsible for. By creating said content with repurposing in mind from the beginning, you can reuse pieces of it elsewhere without your audience feeling like you’re cutting corners. That frees you up to focus on doing one thing really well, while still getting tons more work done with way less effort. In this post, well show you how to repurpose your way to content marketing nirvana. How to Repurpose Content And Make the Most of Your MarketingGrab Your Free Content Repurposing Guide + Infographic This post goes deep into the content repurposing process. However, there are tons of different ways you can repurpose content. In fact, there are far too many to cover in this post alone (and once you get started, youll probably come up with even more of your own). So, we thought youd enjoy this bonus guide packed with 50 content repurposing tips. That way, youll have the process and the inspiration you need to create more awesome content in less time than ever. Plus, weve included a detailed infographic on all things repurposing for you to keep on hand as a reference.Start By Building Your Content Repurposing Toolbox In this post, we’ll show you some tools you can use to help with your content repurposing process: Google (free): Self-explanatory. Google Analytics (freemium): It’s free. It’s powerful. We’re 99% sure you’re already using it. PrintFriendly (free): This is a great tool for turning blog posts into PDFs. Paste in any URL, click a button, and you're done. SlideShare (free): Turning existing content into a slide deck is a great way to maximize the mileage of your efforts. BuzzSumo (paid, optional): This is one of the best content research tools out there. It’s awesome for finding top-performing content for a given keyword. (paid, optional): We have a few features in our own platform that can help with this process, too. We'll talk about those at the end. Step 1: Create a Piece of Large-Scale 10X Content If you’re unfamiliar with the term â€Å"10X content,†it refers to the idea of creating content that’s ten times better than anything that already exists. In order to create that kind of content, you’ll need to buckle down and focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional. Focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional.Start With Keyword Research If you’re working with limited time, money, and resources, you’ll want to make the most of every minute you’ve got. Starting with strong keyword research gives you hard data to ensure people are going to care about the content you’re creating before you get too far into your process. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Content Marketer's Guide to Keyword Research How to Improve Your Keyword Research With Latent Semantic Indexing This is the Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level Apply the Skyscraper Technique One of the fastest ways to create a piece of 10X content is to apply the Skyscraper Technique. Coined by Brian Dean of Backlinko, it’s an easy and repeatable process for creating the best stuff possible on a given topic. Here’s how it works in simple terms: Review the top ten search results for your chosen keyword. Make a spreadsheet (or just make mental notes) of what information each post contains. Pay attention to missing information, lack of important details, or types of content that are missing from each post (videos, infographics, etc.). Write your own post that includes all the information a person searching for that topic would need. Add resources that are missing from existing content. In short, create something that is objectively better-researched and more resourceful than anything else that currently exists. There are a couple different ways you can find top-performing content (so you can scope out your competition): Do a simple Google search. It's free and easy. Use BuzzSumo. Sometimes, what gets shared on social media can differ from what ranks highest in organic search. So, use BuzzSumo to find all the top-shared content on social media for a given keyword. This can help you find even more inspiration than using a search engine alone. The team at Duct Tape Marketing put together this video to demonstrate how it works and help you get started: While success isn’t guaranteed, if you follow this process correctly, you should start to see results. Recommended Reading: How to Improve Your Content With the Skyscraper Technique Craft a Solid Outline Here at , we never write a blog post without an outline. They’re essential for saving time by figuring out what you’ll cover, before getting started and realizing your ideas are a disorganized mess. Plus, outlines also make it easier to break your post down into sections so you can think more clearly about how each piece might be reused somewhere else. Recommended Reading: The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution for the Best Blog Outline Then, Write the Crap Out of Your Blog Post Remember, our goal here is to start off with one awesome 10X piece of content. An ordinary, run-of-the-mill blog post isn’t going to cut it here. You’ll need to dig deep and produce something truly great. Furthermore, you’ll need to write while keeping repurposing in mind. Your post should: Be substantial. That’s probably going to mean it’s at least 1,500 to 3,000 words in length. That’s not because longer posts are inherently better, but because you’re probably going to need that kind of length to include all the information your post will need. Be relevant. Make sure you’ve selected keywords and a topic your audience cares about. One idea here is to look through your Google Analytics account, see which content has received the most traffic or conversions and try coming up with something similar. Be better than anything else that currently exists. This is a tall order, but it might be more achievable than you think. We’ll get into this in our next section. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Blog Writing Process to Create Killer Posts How to Write a Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist to Rock a Perfect Post Design Visual Content You Can Use Elsewhere Whether you’re creating your own images or working with a designer, include graphics you can share elsewhere in your post. Those could include: Quote graphics Infographics Instructional images and how-to illustrations Blog title header graphics Stat graphics The key is to create graphics that both: Can be embedded inline in your post. Makes sense in context on your social channels. Here's an example of a tweet from our Twitter profile that uses an instructional graphic from this blog post: Heres how to build new marketing habits https://t.co/F08Y2Vq3sG pic.twitter.com/2IfOluQdrz (@) February 19, 2017 Here's another one for a landing page, where we took the page's header graphic and made a Twitter-friendly version: We put together over 100 free templates just for you with our new marketing resource library! 📚 https://t.co/hWVVfr8Cww pic.twitter.com/nVWEzRUBw0 (@) February 21, 2017 We’ll cover this further in a bit, but for now, take a look through this post (or most others on our blog) for more examples of what we’re talking about. Recommended Reading: How to Make the Best Social Media Images the Easy Way How to Attract an Audience With the Best Blog Photography Tips (+128 Images) How to Make the Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) Step 2: Optimize Your Post for Repurposing Now that you’ve got a draft of your post complete, let’s see how we can use pieces of it on other channels and platforms. Use Your Email Introduction in Your Email Newsletters Consider crafting your intro with an email-friendly conversational tone. That way, you can easily copy and paste it into your email software, tweaking it slightly as necessary. This will likely only work if your emails are text-heavy rather than image-based. If you send a lot of plain text emails though, this can be an immense time-saver. Recommended Reading: How to Write Irresistible Blog Post Introductions That'll Keep Your Readers Reading Turn Your Blog Post Into Inspiration for a YouTube Video You’ve heard the cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words. That means video has to be worth like, what, half a library? Well, something like that. Anyway, what we’re getting at here is if someone wants to read about a topic, someone probably wants to watch a video about it, too. So, shoot a video based on your blog post. That’s something we’ve done in the past with our video series, and it makes time spent on ideation go a lot quicker: You can even use your blog post as the basis for your script (if you’ll be scripting out your post). If you’re wondering exactly how you could turn a blog post into a video, try this: Break down the main points of your blog post. Ask yourself, â€Å"What are the main takeaways I want someone to learn from reading this?†List them out. Write a condensed script or outline that you could read through in under ten minutes (give or take). Shoot your video. If you don’t have access to a videographer or professional gear, use your phone. Get something together that will show your audience what you’re trying to tell them with your blog post. Recommended Reading: How to Make a Video Content Marketing Strategy to Boost Your New Series Reuse Your YouTube Video on Facebook and Twitter Alternately, you might want to shoot your video natively for Facebook or Twitter. For our purposes here, let’s say you’ve shot a five-minute video for YouTube. If you wanted to get further mileage out of it, consider sharing that video directly on Facebook too, or break it down into smaller chunks and create a mini-video series for Twitter. Recommended Reading: How to Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing How to Do Facebook Video Marketing the Right Way Use Your Blog Post Intro For Your YouTube Description If you created a video to include in your blog post, use your introduction for your YouTube description. Substantive YouTube descriptions are important for a few reasons, including: Improving your YouTube SEO. Clearly communicating to viewers what your video is about. Giving your YouTube videos a clean, complete, and professional appearance. Like reusing blog post content for email, feel free to adjust your wording as necessary to work within the context of a YouTube description. At the very least, your blog post can give you a solid foundation to dramatically cut down on writing time for YouTube. For example, the description we used for this video ... ... came straight from the introduction to the blog post we created for it: Reuse Graphics on Social Media When you’re creating graphics for your blog post, create a few different versions sized appropriately for your social networks. If you need a primer on the best sizes for every network, we’ve got you covered. Also, consider which types of graphics you could both embed in your blog, and share on social media. Long infographics are great for Pinterest, while quote graphics and images with quick stats are a good fit for Twitter. Here's an example of a blog post graphic we repurposed on Twitter: #Content tip: get more ideas by leveraging expertise outside your marketing department. https://t.co/TeMRAAyz4r pic.twitter.com/n5igyugwQJ - (@) July 14, 2017 How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing As content marketers, we all have too much to do, and not enough time to get it done. We’re also under pressure to deliver high-quality content our audiences want. That content also needs to be distributed across an ever-growing array of channels. If you’re working on a small team, that pressure is further magnified. When resources are limited, you have to stretch everything you have to succeed. So, how can you produce awesome 10X content when your time is limited? Try turning one piece of content into five (or more). Why Should Marketers Repurpose Content? Repurposing content simply means taking one asset and reusing it somewhere else. That sounds simple enough in theory, but it can get tricky in execution. To really make it work, it helps to produce content with repurposing in mind, so you can easily slice and dice it into different formats. The benefits to repurposing content are considerable, too. When you focus your energy on producing one awesome asset (say, an in-depth blog post or video), you’re likely to produce a better piece of work than you would by dividing your attention across every platform you’re responsible for. By creating said content with repurposing in mind from the beginning, you can reuse pieces of it elsewhere without your audience feeling like you’re cutting corners. That frees you up to focus on doing one thing really well, while still getting tons more work done with way less effort. In this post, well show you how to repurpose your way to content marketing nirvana. How to Repurpose Content And Make the Most of Your MarketingGrab Your Free Content Repurposing Guide + Infographic This post goes deep into the content repurposing process. However, there are tons of different ways you can repurpose content. In fact, there are far too many to cover in this post alone (and once you get started, youll probably come up with even more of your own). So, we thought youd enjoy this bonus guide packed with 50 content repurposing tips. That way, youll have the process and the inspiration you need to create more awesome content in less time than ever. Plus, weve included a detailed infographic on all things repurposing for you to keep on hand as a reference.Start By Building Your Content Repurposing Toolbox In this post, we’ll show you some tools you can use to help with your content repurposing process: Google (free): Self-explanatory. Google Analytics (freemium): It’s free. It’s powerful. We’re 99% sure you’re already using it. PrintFriendly (free): This is a great tool for turning blog posts into PDFs. Paste in any URL, click a button, and you're done. SlideShare (free): Turning existing content into a slide deck is a great way to maximize the mileage of your efforts. BuzzSumo (paid, optional): This is one of the best content research tools out there. It’s awesome for finding top-performing content for a given keyword. (paid, optional): We have a few features in our own platform that can help with this process, too. We'll talk about those at the end. Step 1: Create a Piece of Large-Scale 10X Content If you’re unfamiliar with the term â€Å"10X content,†it refers to the idea of creating content that’s ten times better than anything that already exists. In order to create that kind of content, you’ll need to buckle down and focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional. Focus deeply on producing something truly exceptional.Start With Keyword Research If you’re working with limited time, money, and resources, you’ll want to make the most of every minute you’ve got. Starting with strong keyword research gives you hard data to ensure people are going to care about the content you’re creating before you get too far into your process. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Content Marketer's Guide to Keyword Research How to Improve Your Keyword Research With Latent Semantic Indexing This is the Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level Apply the Skyscraper Technique One of the fastest ways to create a piece of 10X content is to apply the Skyscraper Technique. Coined by Brian Dean of Backlinko, it’s an easy and repeatable process for creating the best stuff possible on a given topic. Here’s how it works in simple terms: Review the top ten search results for your chosen keyword. Make a spreadsheet (or just make mental notes) of what information each post contains. Pay attention to missing information, lack of important details, or types of content that are missing from each post (videos, infographics, etc.). Write your own post that includes all the information a person searching for that topic would need. Add resources that are missing from existing content. In short, create something that is objectively better-researched and more resourceful than anything else that currently exists. There are a couple different ways you can find top-performing content (so you can scope out your competition): Do a simple Google search. It's free and easy. Use BuzzSumo. Sometimes, what gets shared on social media can differ from what ranks highest in organic search. So, use BuzzSumo to find all the top-shared content on social media for a given keyword. This can help you find even more inspiration than using a search engine alone. The team at Duct Tape Marketing put together this video to demonstrate how it works and help you get started: While success isn’t guaranteed, if you follow this process correctly, you should start to see results. Recommended Reading: How to Improve Your Content With the Skyscraper Technique Craft a Solid Outline Here at , we never write a blog post without an outline. They’re essential for saving time by figuring out what you’ll cover, before getting started and realizing your ideas are a disorganized mess. Plus, outlines also make it easier to break your post down into sections so you can think more clearly about how each piece might be reused somewhere else. Recommended Reading: The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution for the Best Blog Outline Then, Write the Crap Out of Your Blog Post Remember, our goal here is to start off with one awesome 10X piece of content. An ordinary, run-of-the-mill blog post isn’t going to cut it here. You’ll need to dig deep and produce something truly great. Furthermore, you’ll need to write while keeping repurposing in mind. Your post should: Be substantial. That’s probably going to mean it’s at least 1,500 to 3,000 words in length. That’s not because longer posts are inherently better, but because you’re probably going to need that kind of length to include all the information your post will need. Be relevant. Make sure you’ve selected keywords and a topic your audience cares about. One idea here is to look through your Google Analytics account, see which content has received the most traffic or conversions and try coming up with something similar. Be better than anything else that currently exists. This is a tall order, but it might be more achievable than you think. We’ll get into this in our next section. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Blog Writing Process to Create Killer Posts How to Write a Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist to Rock a Perfect Post Design Visual Content You Can Use Elsewhere Whether you’re creating your own images or working with a designer, include graphics you can share elsewhere in your post. Those could include: Quote graphics Infographics Instructional images and how-to illustrations Blog title header graphics Stat graphics The key is to create graphics that both: Can be embedded inline in your post. Makes sense in context on your social channels. Here's an example of a tweet from our Twitter profile that uses an instructional graphic from this blog post: Heres how to build new marketing habits https://t.co/F08Y2Vq3sG pic.twitter.com/2IfOluQdrz (@) February 19, 2017 Here's another one for a landing page, where we took the page's header graphic and made a Twitter-friendly version: We put together over 100 free templates just for you with our new marketing resource library! 📚 https://t.co/hWVVfr8Cww pic.twitter.com/nVWEzRUBw0 (@) February 21, 2017 We’ll cover this further in a bit, but for now, take a look through this post (or most others on our blog) for more examples of what we’re talking about. Recommended Reading: How to Make the Best Social Media Images the Easy Way How to Attract an Audience With the Best Blog Photography Tips (+128 Images) How to Make the Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) Step 2: Optimize Your Post for Repurposing Now that you’ve got a draft of your post complete, let’s see how we can use pieces of it on other channels and platforms. Use Your Email Introduction in Your Email Newsletters Consider crafting your intro with an email-friendly conversational tone. That way, you can easily copy and paste it into your email software, tweaking it slightly as necessary. This will likely only work if your emails are text-heavy rather than image-based. If you send a lot of plain text emails though, this can be an immense time-saver. Recommended Reading: How to Write Irresistible Blog Post Introductions That'll Keep Your Readers Reading Turn Your Blog Post Into Inspiration for a YouTube Video You’ve heard the cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words. That means video has to be worth like, what, half a library? Well, something like that. Anyway, what we’re getting at here is if someone wants to read about a topic, someone probably wants to watch a video about it, too. So, shoot a video based on your blog post. That’s something we’ve done in the past with our video series, and it makes time spent on ideation go a lot quicker: You can even use your blog post as the basis for your script (if you’ll be scripting out your post). If you’re wondering exactly how you could turn a blog post into a video, try this: Break down the main points of your blog post. Ask yourself, â€Å"What are the main takeaways I want someone to learn from reading this?†List them out. Write a condensed script or outline that you could read through in under ten minutes (give or take). Shoot your video. If you don’t have access to a videographer or professional gear, use your phone. Get something together that will show your audience what you’re trying to tell them with your blog post. Recommended Reading: How to Make a Video Content Marketing Strategy to Boost Your New Series Reuse Your YouTube Video on Facebook and Twitter Alternately, you might want to shoot your video natively for Facebook or Twitter. For our purposes here, let’s say you’ve shot a five-minute video for YouTube. If you wanted to get further mileage out of it, consider sharing that video directly on Facebook too, or break it down into smaller chunks and create a mini-video series for Twitter. Recommended Reading: How to Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing How to Do Facebook Video Marketing the Right Way Use Your Blog Post Intro For Your YouTube Description If you created a video to include in your blog post, use your introduction for your YouTube description. Substantive YouTube descriptions are important for a few reasons, including: Improving your YouTube SEO. Clearly communicating to viewers what your video is about. Giving your YouTube videos a clean, complete, and professional appearance. Like reusing blog post content for email, feel free to adjust your wording as necessary to work within the context of a YouTube description. At the very least, your blog post can give you a solid foundation to dramatically cut down on writing time for YouTube. For example, the description we used for this video ... ... came straight from the introduction to the blog post we created for it: Reuse Graphics on Social Media When you’re creating graphics for your blog post, create a few different versions sized appropriately for your social networks. If you need a primer on the best sizes for every network, we’ve got you covered. Also, consider which types of graphics you could both embed in your blog, and share on social media. Long infographics are great for Pinterest, while quote graphics and images with quick stats are a good fit for Twitter. Here's an example of a blog post graphic we repurposed on Twitter: #Content tip: get more ideas by leveraging expertise outside your marketing department. https://t.co/TeMRAAyz4r pic.twitter.com/n5igyugwQJ - (@) July 14, 2017
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